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4:15 pm To What Extent is a Group an Individual? (Rohit Parikh) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 3309
To What Extent is a Group an Individual? (Rohit Parikh) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 3309
May 14 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Dennett in his Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (1995) and Kinds of Minds (1996) discusses an evolutionary hierarchy of intellectual progress. He calls the hierarchy the ‘Tower of Generate-and-Test,’ where there are five kinds of creatures.  These range from  ‘Darwinian creatures,’ organisms which are blindly generated and field-tested, to Popperian creatures which can make plans,  to creatures like human beings who use ‘language’ to communicate with others like them. One could ask, “at what level, if any,[...]