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8:00 pm The Art of Change: An Experimental Opera by Jean-Baptiste Barrière @ Ernst C. Stiefel Concert Hall, 4th floor.
The Art of Change: An Experimental Opera by Jean-Baptiste Barrière @ Ernst C. Stiefel Concert Hall, 4th floor.
Jan 21 @ 8:00 pm
The Art of Change is a bold experimental work that introduces a radically new artistic form. Starting with the traditional notion of opera as a type of work that blends music, theater, art, and design into a single form, The Art of Change brings performers and thinkers together on stage and fuses live performance with historical video footage, recorded interviews and multimedia content. All of this is woven together into a tapestry that is generative,[...]
5:30 pm Dependence, Autonomy, and the Varieties of Relationship. Aaron Stalnaker (Indiana U) @ Columbia University Religion Dept. 101
Dependence, Autonomy, and the Varieties of Relationship. Aaron Stalnaker (Indiana U) @ Columbia University Religion Dept. 101
Jan 24 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
This talk places master-student relations in the context of Confucian social theory, focusing on issues of obedience, remonstration, and respect for different sorts of authorities. I survey early Confucian accounts of the good society centered on role relations, personal development, and flourishing, both individual and communal. I then examine the question of autonomy within these relationships, looking closely at remonstration, obedience, and disobedience. The talk concludes with a broader discussion of human dependence, placing Confucian[...]