The Long Island Philosophical Society – LIPS 2020 Conference @ Philosophy Dept., Molloy College
Apr 18 all-day

The Long Island Philosophical Society is seeking submissions for its Spring 2020 conference which will be held Saturday, April 18th 2020 on the attractive campus of Molloy College, located in Rockville Centre, NY. 

The Long Island Philosophical Society has been a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas since 1964.  LIPS is an internationally recognized organization that is a valuable philosophical resource for the Greater New York area. Its conferences have drawn scholars from over 30 states and from the international community, including Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Israel, and Egypt.

Papers can be on any topic of philosophical interest. Presentations are limited to 25-30 minutes, to be followed by a 10-15 minute discussion period. Both professional philosophers (full-time, part-time, unaffiliated) and graduate students are welcome to submit.  Paper submissions are also welcome from those in different disciplines who have an interest in philosophical issues.

The submission deadline is Friday, March 13, 2020

Please submit papers, including contact information and affiliation (if any) to Dr. Glenn Statile at StatileG@stjohns.eduor Dr. Leslie Aarons at  laarons@lipsociety.org.

Phenomenology as Method @ Philosophy Dept, St. John's U
Apr 22 – Apr 24 all-day

Since its inception, phenomenology has been understood as a method of philosophizing or philosophical attitude rather than a system of philosophy. Husserl encouraged his students to apply this method to all types of philosophical questions and across all fields of research. As a result, phenomenological analysis was used by a wide range of disciplines, from philosophy and psychology to literature, history, sociology, mathematics, cosmology, and religious studies. The phenomenological method itself has been refined according to the insights achieved as a result of its interdisciplinary nature. However, the core tenets of this method and characterization of this attitude have long been a point of debate among phenomenologists.

This conference will explore the nature of the phenomenological method, its interdisciplinary applications, and how research in parallel fields informed the work of the early phenomenologists.

As always, we encourage submissions dealing with the thought of the full spectrum of early phenomenologists (including Edmund Husserl, Franz Brentano, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Lipps, Alexander Pfänder, Max Scheler, Moritz Geiger, Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Eugen Fink, Roman Ingarden, Edith Stein, Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Adolf Reinach, Martin Heidegger, Maximilian Beck, Jean Hering, et al.) as well as figures who were in conversation with the early phenomenological movement.

Abstracts should be 400-600 words, and include a short bibliography. Abstracts must be prepared for blind review and sent to Charlene Elsby (elsbyc@pfw.edu)

EXTENDED Deadline for submissions is 26 January 2020.

Decisions will be sent out no later than 7 February 2020.

Click here to download this call





Phenomenology as Attitude and/or Method
St. John’s University — New York, NY
(Queens and/or Manhattan campus)
April 22-24, 2020

The Max Scheler Society of North America (MSSNA) invites members of the international community of scholars to participate in their biannual meeting. The 2020 meeting will take place in conjunction with the North American Society for Early Phenomenology (NASEP), with sessions from each society running concurrently. Each society is having an independent call for papers. Papers and abstracts submitted for the MSSNA should be sent to the contact information below. All submissions for NASEP should be directed to the attention of Dr. Rodney Parker (rodney.k.b.parker@gmail.com).

Broadly construed, the general theme of the meeting is the distinctiveness of Scheler’s phenomenological approach. We are seeking papers that explore the development of Scheler’s understanding of phenomenology and how this development enabled Scheler to test the limits of phenomenology in examining such experiences as religious experiences, aging and death, other “minds” and persons, reality, and the emotions. The MSSNA is particularly interested in papers examining Max Scheler’s contribution to recent investigations related to the continued development of phenomenology.

Participants will have approximately 35 minutes to present their work.  Though completed papers are preferred, abstracts of at least 500 words in length will also be considered.

Deadline for submission is January 15, 2020.

All submissions should be sent electronically to Dr. Zachary Davis (davisz@stjohns.edu). Because all submissions will be reviewed blindly by the selection committee, submissions should have a separate cover sheet with name and contact information.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out by January 31.

Long Island Philosophical Society 2022 Conference @ Malloy College
Apr 30 all-day

Conference Begins 8:00 am

Breakfast/Registration: 8:00 am 9:00 am (Kellenberg Hall Reception Room)

Morning Sessions (9:00 am Noon) (Kellenberg Hall = K)

Session 1: (Philosophy and the Catholic Novel)
Chairperson: Glenn Statile (St. John’s University)

Room = K006

1. Father Robert Lauder (Saint Johns University) [Maritain, Marcel, Haught]: Philosophical
Resources for Analyzing the Catholic Novels of Graham Greene

2. Brother Owen Sadlier O.S.F. (Cathedral Seminary; Saint Francis College emeritus)
Philosophical Reflections on Diary of a Country Priest

3. Glenn Statile (Saint Johns University) Brideshead Revisited: Aesthetic, Theological, and
Philosophical Reflections

Session 2: (Ancient Philosophy)
Chairperson: Chryssoula Gitsoulis (Baruch College CUNY)

Room = K015

1. Chryssoula Gitsoulis (Baruch College CUNY) The Individual vs the State: A Study of
Socrates and Antigone

2. Eric Wickey (Saint Peters College) A Change of Mind

3. Mark Zelcer (Queensborough Community College) Socrates and the Demos

4. Alan Kim (Stony Brook University) Animal Farm

Session 3: (Epistemology, Logic, and the Nature of Philosophy)
Chairperson: Christopher French (SUNY Farmingdale)

Room = K020

1. Joseph Biehl (Saint Johns University) Selling Truth Short

2. Jason Costanzo (Conception Seminary College) The Fourth Observer: Philosophy and its
Epistemic Paths

3. Partha Das (Saint Johns University) On Double Negation

Session 4: (Modern Philosophy, Descartes, Hume)
Chairperson: Robert Delfino (Saint Johns University)

Room K021

1. Sophie Berman (Saint Francis College) Descartes on the Infinite Freedom of the Finite

2. Rocco Astore (Saint Johns University) Devotion Begins in Freedom: An Analysis of the
Relation Between True Love and Freedom in Descartess Principles of Philosophy and Passions
of the Soul

3. Robert Devall (Independent Scholar) Hume, the Ideal Critic, and the Problem of Taste

Session 5: (Political Philosophy, Cities, Confucius, Dasein, Boredom)
Chairperson: Margaret Cuonzo (LIU Brooklyn)

Room K202

1. Margaret Cuonzo (LIU Brooklyn) A Somewhat Paradoxical Argument for the Rights of

2. Peter Li (Saint Johns University) Political Confucianism and Global Justice

3. Brandon Kaiser (Boston College) Of Dasein and Discourse: Examining the Everydayness
of the Political

4) Henry Curcio (Western Michigan University) Boredom

Session 6: (Cancer and Brain Death)
Chairperson: John DeCarlo (Hofstra University)

Room = K211

1. Paul Rezkalla (Hillsdale College) Elizabeth Anscombe on Brain Death

2. John DeCarlo (Hofstra University) Consciousness and Cancer: An Interdisciplinary

3. Seth Goldwasser (University of Pittsburgh) Finding Normality in Abnormality: On the
Ascription of Normal Functions to Parts of Cancers

Session 7: (Healing and the Pandemic)
Chairperson: Jennifer Scuro (Molloy College)

Room K211A

1. Jennifer Scuro (Molloy College) Renarrating Care Work in the Wake of a Pandemic

2. Keith Bannerman (Stony Brook University) An Ancient Approach to the Pandemic

3. Cara Cummings (Johns Hopkins University) Healing Akrasia and Vice

Session 8: (Mental Illness, Humor, Unconscious Morality, Moral Nihilism)
Chairperson: Lewis Williams (Oxford University)

Room K204

1. Heather Rivera (LSU, Shreveport) “America’s Cruel Treatment of the Mentally Ill and
Criminally Insane

2. Maksim Vak (Saint Johns University) To Genealogy of Jokes or on the Dialectic of

3. Sabina Schrynemakers (Independent Scholar) Unconscious Moral Choices

4. Lewis Williams (Oxford University) Rehabilitating Moral Nihilism

Session 9: (Ethics 1)
Chairperson: David Kaspar (Saint Johns University)

Room = K319

1. Clayton Shoppa (Saint Francis College) SecondGuessing the Good: Discernment and
Moral Realism

2. Charles Duke (University of South Florida) Purposive Evil?: Experience, Virtue, and the
Prospects of Human Flourishing

3. Joe Shin (University of Michigan) Must Blame: Self vs Others

4. Rob Lovering (CUNY College of Staten Island) A Case for Legalizing Recreational Drug

Session 10: (The Sublime and Plasticity)
Chairperson: Leslie Aarons (CUNY Laguardia Community College)

Room K319A

1. Addison Hinton (Stony Brook University) The Function of the Sublime in Spirits Pursuit
of the Ethical

2. Wenshu Zheng (Stony Brook University) Subjectivity and Alterity: Reconciling Derridas
Mourning and the Sublime

3. Michael Barr (Stony Brook University) The Goal of Plasticity: Affects, Signifiers and the
Infinite Judgement from Hegel to Johnston

Afternoon Sessions (2:30 pm 5:00 pm) (Kellenberg Hall)

Session 11: (Science and Modern Philosophy)

Chairperson: Glenn Statile (St. John’s University)

Room = K006

1. Yual Chiek (Saint Johns University) Leibniz on the Contingency of the Laws of Motion:
The Transference Thesis

2. Joel Alvarez (University of South Florida) Interpreting Leibniz Counterpart Theory or
Transworld Identity

3. Glenn Statile (Saint Johns University) Analogy and the Integrity of Science

Session 12: (Darwinism, Evolutionary Psychology, and Autopoiesis)
Chairperson: Lowell Kleiman (SUNY Suffolk Community College)

Room = K015

1. Christopher Petersen (Florida State University) Is Evolutionary Psychology Impossible in
Principle? A Reply to S.E. Smiths Matching Problem Argument

2. Jacob Koval (Florida State University) In Defense of Distortion: A Reply to ShaferLandau
and Vanova

3. Matthew Menchaca (CUNY Graduate Center) Enactive Autopoiesis and the Future of
Dynamic Affective Science

Session 13: (Aesthetics and Philosophy of Literature)
Chairperson = Margaret Cuonzo (LIU Brooklyn)

Room = K020

1. Brother Owen Sadlier O.S.F. (Cathedral Seminary; Saint Francis College Emeritus)
The Anatomy of an Artificial Body: Aesthetic Reflections on Hobbes Leviathan

2. Alexia Papigiotis (CUNY Graduate Center) Rooting for the Devil: Relatability Approach
for Sympathy for Immoral Characters

3. Joseph Jordan (Holy Apostles College and Seminary) A Boethian Response to
Machiavelli, Marx, and Jordan Peterson

Session 14: (Indian Philosophy, Rhetoric, Borges)

Chairperson: John F. DeCarlo (Hofstra University)

Room = K021

1. Basilio Monteiro (Saint Johns University) Sadharanikaran: Exploring Indian
Communicative Philosophy

2. Meaghan Dunn (Saint Johns University) Philosophy and Rhetoric: A Curious
Ontological Coupling that Once Was? Or Still Is?

3. Bartholomew Slaninka (University of Massachusetts, Boston) Borges The Aleph and
Problems in Representing Totality

Session 15: (Ethics 2)

Chairperson: Lewis Williams (Oxford University)

Room = K202

1. Paul Gyllenhammer (Saint Johns University) Mill and Sartre on Oppression,
Individuality, and Virtue

2. Daniel Doviak (Muhlenberg College) Moral Pluralism and the Problem Weight of
Determination for Conflicting Duties

3. Miriam Ambrosino (Stony Brook University) Schelers Notion of (Inter) Personal Agency
Founded in Loving

4. John Park (California State University, Sacramento) The Mental and Physical Health
Argument Against Hate Speech

Session 16 : (Holism, Metaphysics, Heidegger)

Chairperson: Henry Curcio (Western Michigan University)

Room = K211

1. Partha Das (Saint Johns University) Holism: A Comparative Study

2. Jake Khawaja (Rutgers University) Actualism, Presentism, and Ontological Commitment
3. Weian Ding (Loyola Marymount University) Become the Becoming: A Heideggerian
Lesson from the Embers and the Stars

Session 17: (Silence, Ethics, Education, Philanthropy)

Chairperson: Christine Salboudis (Saint Johns University)

Room K211A

1. Christine Salboudis (Saint Johns University) On Silence

2. Alina Anjum Ahmed (University of Georgia) DeCentering Power: Arguing for a
Mandatory Undergraduate Course that Teaches AntiOppressive Allyship

3. Lorenzo Francesco Manuali (Stanford University) The Normative Importance of Donor
SelfLegitimation in Philanthropy

4. Josue Miguel Pineiro (University of Georgia) Audiential Injustice and Epistemic

Session 18: (Theism, Aquinas, Rahner. Ecclesiastes, Scotus)

Chairperson: Seth Goldwasser (University of Pittsburgh)

Room K204

1. David Kovacs (Loyola Marymount University) Toward a New Approach to Theism

2. Kevin McShane (Saint Johns University) Aquinas and Rahner

3. Vincent Alexis Peluce (CUNY Graduate Center) Nothing New Under the Sun:
Ecclesiastian Optimism

4. Jay Park (Independent Scholar) Will and Necessity: Reading Scotus Between Ontological
Priority and Ontological Order

Session 19: (Ethics, Boethius, Human Dignity)

Chairperson: Alec Koppers (Western Michigan University)

Room K319

1. Stephen Morris (CUNY College of Staten Island) On the Moral Status of Historic Figures
and the Removal of Public Monuments

2. Matthew Konig (SUNY Suffolk County Community College) The Nature of Moral Facts

3. Arich Hluch (Ohio State University) Human Dignity, Autonomy, and Altruism: Reframing
the Debate on Organ Markets”

Session 20: Room K319A: This room is reserved as a discussion lounge for conference participants

Long Island Philosophical Society-LIPS 2023 Conference @ St. John’s University
Apr 1 all-day

The Long Island Philosophical Society is seeking submissions for its Spring 2023 conference which will be held Saturday April 1st 2023 on the attractive campus of Saint John’s University located in Jamaica, Queens in New York City.

The Long Island Philosophical Society has been a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas since 1964. LIPS is an internationally recognized organization that is a valuable philosophical resource for the Greater New York area. Its conferences have drawn scholars from over 30 states and from the international community, including Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Israel, and Egypt.

Papers can be on any topic of philosophical interest. Presentations are limited to 25-30 minutes, to be followed by a 10-15 minute discussion period. Both professional philosophers (full-time, part-time, unaffiliated) and graduate students are welcome to submit. Paper submissions are also welcome from those in different disciplines who have an interest in philosophical issues.

The submission deadline is Friday, March 10th, 2023.

Please submit papers, including contact information and affiliation (if any) to Dr. Glenn Statile at StatileG@stjohns.edu or Dr. Leslie Aarons at laarons@lagcc.cuny.edu.


The 16th International Conference on Brain Informatics @ Stevens Institute of Technology
Aug 1 – Aug 3 all-day

The International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI) series has established itself as the world’s premier research conference on Brain Informatics, which is an emerging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research field that combines the efforts of Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to explore the main problems that lie in the interplay between human brain studies and informatics research.

The 16th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI’23) provides a premier international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields for presentation of original research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative and practical development experiences on brain Informatics research, brain-inspired technologies and brain/mental health applications.

The key theme of the conference is “Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence“.

The BI’23 solicits high-quality original research and application papers (both full paper and abstract submissions). Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

  • Track 1: Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Brain Science
  • Track 2: Human Information Processing Systems
  • Track 3: Brain Big Data Analytics, Curation and Management
  • Track 4: Informatics Paradigms for Brain and Mental Health Research
  • Track 5: Brain-Machine Intelligence and Brain-Inspired Computing

Keynote Speakers

Professor Emery N. Brown

MIT, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

ProfileEmery Neal Brown is the Warren M. Zapol Professor of Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School and at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and a practicing anesthesiologist at MGH. At MIT he is the Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and professor of computational neuroscience, the Associate Director of the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, and the Director of the Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology. Brown is one of only 19 individuals who has been elected to all three branches of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, as well as the first African American and the first anesthesiologist to be elected to all three National Academies.

Professor Bin He

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

ProfileBin He is the Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of the Neuroscience Institute, and Professor by courtesy of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. He has made significant research and education contributions to the field of neuroengineering and biomedical imaging, including functional biomedical imaging, noninvasive brain-computer interface (BCI), and noninvasive neuromodulation. His pioneering research has helped transforming electroencephalography from a 1-dimensional detection technique to 3-dimensional neuroimaging modality. His lab demonstrated for the first time for humans to fly a drone and control a robotic arm just by thinking about it using a noninvasive BCI. He is an elected Fellow of International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE), American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), and IEEE. Dr. He served as a Past President of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering from 2013-2018, the Chair of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering from 2018-2021. Dr. He has been a Member of NIH BRAIN Initiative Multi-Council Working Group from 2014-2019.

Professor John Ngai

NIH BRAIN Initiative, USA

ProfileJohn J. Ngai, Ph.D., is the Director of the NIH’s Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative. Dr. Ngai earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry and biology from Pomona College, Claremont, California, and Ph.D. in biology from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Caltech and at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons before starting his faculty position at the University of California at Berkeley. During more than 25 years as a Berkeley faculty member, Dr. Ngai has trained 20 undergraduate students, 24 graduate students and 15 postdoctoral fellows in addition to teaching well over 1,000 students in the classroom. His work has led to the publication of more than 70 scientific articles in some of the field’s most prestigious journals and 10 U.S. and international patents. Dr. Ngai has received many awards including from the Sloan Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, and McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience. As a faculty member, Dr. Ngai has served as the director of Berkeley’s Neuroscience Graduate Program and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. He has also provided extensive service on NIH study sections, councils and steering groups, including as previous co-chair of the NIH BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Consortium Steering Group. Dr. Ngai oversees the long-term strategy and day-to-day operations of the NIH BRAIN Initiative as it strives to revolutionize our understanding of the brain in both health and disease.

Professor Helen Mayberg

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA

ProfileHelen Mayberg is a neurologist recognized for her neuroimaging studies of brain circuits in depression and their translation to the development of deep brain stimulation as a novel therapeutic for treatment resistant patients. Born and raised in Southern California, she received a BA in Psychobiology from UCLA and a MD from the University of Southern California, then trained in Neurology at Columbia’s Neurological Institute in New York and did a research fellowship in nuclear medicine at Johns Hopkins. She had early academic appointments at Johns Hopkins and the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, held the inaugural Sandra Rotman Chair in Neuropsychiatry at the University of Toronto, the first Dorothy C. Fuqua Chair in Psychiatric Imaging and Therapeutics at Emory University and is now the Mount Sinai Professor of Neurotherapeutics at the Icahn School of Medicine where she is founding Director of the Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics. She is a member of the both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine as well as the National Academy of Inventors and American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Professor Vinod Goel

York University, Canada

ProfileVinod Goel is a professor of cognitive neuroscience at York University, Toronto, Canada. He completed his PhD in cognitive science at UC-Berkeley, and received postdoctoral training in neuroscience at the NIH (NINDS) and the Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, UCL, UK. He has made significant empirical contributions to our understanding of the roles of prefrontal cortex in real-world problem solving and reasoning, hemispheric asymmetry in prefrontal cortex, and models of rationality, using the methodologies of fMRI and lesion studies. He has most recently completed a book reconstructing the role of rationality in human behavior entitled “Reason and Less: Pursuing Food, Sex, and Politics” (The MIT Press, 2022). His current project is to explore the implications of this work on our understanding of reason and legal responsibility.

Professor Amy Kuceyeski

Cornell University, USA

ProfileAmy Kuceyeski is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Neuroscience in Radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine and the Computational Biology Department at Cornell University. She is the director of the Computational Connectomics (CoCo) Laboratory and the Machine Learning in Medicine group at Cornell. Over the past 14 years, she has been working to understand the human brain using quantitative modeling approaches, including machine learning, to map anatomical and physiological characteristics to behavior. Specifically, she is interested in understanding how brains recover from injury so we can devise strategies, possibly via non-invasive neuromodulation, to support natural recovery processes. She also performs research at the intersection of biological and artificial neural networks that aims to understand how human brains process incoming visual information.

Professor Patrick Purdon

Harvard Medical School, USA

ProfilePatrick L. Purdon, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School and the Nathaniel M. Sims Endowed Chair in Anesthesia Innovation and Bioengineering at Massachusetts General Hospital.  Dr. Purdon received his A.B. in Engineering Sciences from Harvard College in 1996, his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from MIT in 1998, and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from MIT in 2005.  Dr. Purdon’s research in neuroengineering encompasses the mechanisms of anesthesia, Alzheimer’s disease and brain health, anesthesia and the developing brain, neural signal processing, and the development of novel technologies for brain monitoring. He has published over 90 peer-reviewed publications, is an inventor on 16 pending patents, and is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.  Dr. Purdon has won numerous awards, including the prestigious National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award.

Important Dates

  • 15 April 2023: Full paper submission deadline
  • 20 April 2023: Workshop proposal deadline
  • 10 May 2023: Abstract presentation submission deadline
  • 30 May 2023: Final paper and abstract acceptance notification
  • 20 Jun 2023: Accepted paper and abstract registration deadline
  • 1-3 Aug 2023: The Brain Informatics Conference

Paper Submission and Publications

Full Paper (Regular):

1. 9-12 pages are strongly encouraged for the regular papers including figures and references in Springer LNCS Proceedings format(https://www.springer.com/us/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines). Over length papers will be charged for 100$ per page.
2. All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted based on originality, significance of contribution, technical merit, and presentation quality.
3. All papers accepted (and all workshop & special sessions’ full-length papers) will be published by Springer as a volume of the Springer-Nature LNAI Brain Informatics Book Series(https://link.springer.com/conference/brain).

Abstract (Only for Workshops/Special Sessions):

Research abstracts are encouraged and will be accepted for presentations in an oral presentation format and/or poster presentation format. Each abstract submission should include the title of the paper and an abstract body within 500 words. The abstract will not be included in the conference proceedings to be published by Springer.

Journal Opportunities:

High-quality BI conference papers will be nominated for a fast-track review and publication at the Brain Informatics Journal, (https://braininformatics.springeropen.com/) an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary Open Access journal published by Springer Nature. Discount or no open access article-processing fee will be charged for BI conference paper authors.

Special Issues & Books Opportunities:

Workshop/special session organizers and BI conference session chairs may consider and can be invited to prepare a book proposal of special topics for possible book publication in the Springer-Nature Brain Informatics & Health Book Series (https://www.springer.com/series/15148), or a special issue at the Brain Informatics Journal.

Poster-Conference Publication

1. Accepted full papers will be selected to publish in the Brain Informatics Journal upon revision.

2. Discount or no article-processing fee will be charged for authors of Brain Informatics conference (https://braininformatics.springeropen.com/).

3. The organizers of Workshops and Special-Sessions are invited to prepare a book proposal based on the topics of the workshop/special session for possible book publication in the Springer-Nature Brain Informatics and Health book series (http://www.springer.com/series/15148).



Philosophy of the City—Brooklyn. 10th Anniversary Conference @ tba
Oct 4 – Oct 6 all-day

Keynote Speakers: Lewis Gordon (University of Connecticut), Michael Nagenborg (Twente University), and Paula Cristina Pereira (Universidade do Porto)

The Philosophy of the City Research Group (POTC RG) is a global community of scholars dedicated to understanding the city and urban affairs. We invite you to join us for our tenth-anniversary conference.

Presentations on any philosophical issue about cities are welcome.  Some topics include urban aesthetics, housing, local governance, conceptualizing cities, policy, infrastructure, distribution, recognition, urban technologies, nonhuman considerations, water issues, feeding the city, street art, energy, mobility, city life, urban culture, justice, the city in philosophy’s history, discrimination, public space, immigration, examining specific cities, urban expansion, and defining the city.

For individual submissions, provide abstracts of 300 words. For panels of 3-4, each abstract should be 200 words. The submission portal is available here. Deadline: May 1, 2023.

We are pleased to offer a Graduate Student Presentation Award of 300 USD and refunded registration ($50) to be given at the concluding ceremony. To be eligible, indicate a desire for consideration at the end of the submission. All participants are encouraged to submit revised versions of presentations to the Philosophy of the City Journal.

A special panel featuring Shane Epting, Michael Menser, and guests will discuss philosophy of the city’s progress, and possible future directions will be announced. For more information and questions, visit The Philosophy of the City Research Group’s website.

Philosophical Linguistics and Linguistical Philosophy (PhLiP) 8 @ Tarrytown Estate
Nov 9 – Nov 12 all-day

Philosophical Linguistics and Linguistical Philosophy (PhLiP) 8 will take place  November 9-12, 2023 at the Tarrytown Estate in Westchester, NY.

Program Committee
Kai von Fintel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chris Kennedy, University of Chicago
Karen Lewis, Barnard College/Columbia University
Una Stojnić, Princeton University

APA Eastern Division Conference @ Sheraton Times Sq.
Jan 15 – Jan 18 all-day
Long Island Philosophical Society (LIPS) 2024 Conference @ Philosophy Dept, Molloy University
Apr 13 all-day

The Long Island Philosophical Society is seeking submissions for its Spring 2024 conference which will be held Saturday, April 13, 2024 on the attractive campus of Molloy University, located in Rockville Centre, NY.

The Long Island Philosophical Society has been a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas since 1964. LIPS is an internationally recognized organization that is a valuable philosophical resource for the Greater New York area. Its conferences have drawn scholars from over 35 states and from the international community, including six continents.

Papers can be on any topic of philosophical interest. Presentations are limited to 25-30 minutes, to be followed by a 10-15 minute discussion period. Both professional philosophers (full-time, part-time, unaffiliated) and graduate students are welcome to submit. Paper submissions are also welcome from those in different disciplines who have an interest in philosophical issues.

The submission deadline is March 15, 2024.

Please submit papers, including contact information and affiliation (if any) to Dr. Glenn Statile at StatileG@stjohns.edu or Dr. Leslie Aarons at laarons@lagcc.cuny.edu

APA Eastern Division Meeting @ Sheraton New York Times Square
Jan 8 – Jan 11 all-day

The 121st meeting of the APA Eastern Division will take place in New York City at the Sheraton Times Square. Reserve your hotel room and register for the conference today! The early bird registration rate is available through December 15.


If you’re not a member, or your membership has expired, join or renew today and enjoy a significant discount on your registration, as well as discounted hotel room rates.


Attending the meeting? Participating in the meeting program? See the Guide for Meeting Participants.

Program Chair

Alex Worsnip


Andy Cullison