Interdisciplinary Conference on “#MeToo and Epistemic Injustice” @ Roosevelt House
Oct 5 all-day

The CUNY Graduate Center Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC), the Center for the Humanities, and the Philosophy Program present an interdisciplinary conference on:

“#MeToo and Epistemic Injustice”

Over the past year, the #MeToo movement has forced into national consciousness what has long been an underground truth known by women: the horrifying pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault as routine everyday occurrences, largely unpunished. How can one explain the resistance there has traditionally been, as recently brought out in one high-profile case after another, to taking women’s testimony seriously? Using Miranda Fricker’s innovative concept of “epistemic injustice” as a focus—the refusal to give members of subordinated groups a fair hearing—this 2-day interdisciplinary conference will examine the problem in its multiple dimensions. Eighteen theorists from a wide variety of subjects—philosophy, political theory, media studies, history, gender and women’s studies, LGBTQ theory, Africana and Native American studies, law, and disability theory—will look from their distinctive perspectives at women’s vulnerability to sexual harassment and assault, and the ways in which it is complicated by class, race, nationality, sexuality, and disability.

October 5-6, 2018


  • Oct 5th – Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65th St.
    9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Oct 6th – Skylight Room (9100), CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave.
    10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.


  • Linda Martín Alcoff, Philosophy, Hunter College & CUNY Grad Center
  • Susan Brison, Philosophy, Dartmouth College
  • Ann Cahill, Philosophy, Elon University
  • Nirmala Erevelles, Disability Studies & Education, University of Alabama
  • Karyn Freedman, Philosophy, University of Guelph
  • Miranda Fricker, Philosophy, CUNY Grad Center
  • Mishuana Goeman, Gender Studies & American Indian Studies, UCLA
  • Suzanne Goldberg, Columbia Law School
  • Raja Halwani, Liberal Arts, Art Institute of Chicago
  • Alison Jaggar, Philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Kate Manne, Philosophy, Cornell University
  • Danielle McGuire, Independent Historian
  • Sarah Clark Miller, Philosophy, Penn State University
  • Rupal Oza, Women & Gender Studies, Hunter College & CUNY Grad Center
  • Andrea Press, Media Studies & Sociology, University of Virginia
  • Tricia Rose, Africana Studies, Brown University
  • Dina Siddiqi, Women & Gender Studies, Hunter College
  • Shatema Threadcraft, Government, Dartmouth College

Conference organizers: Linda Martín Alcoff and Charles W. Mills

Conference Poster

Interdisciplinary Conference on “#MeToo and Epistemic Injustice” @ Skylight Room (9100), CUNY Graduate Center
Oct 6 all-day

The CUNY Graduate Center Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC), the Center for the Humanities, and the Philosophy Program present an interdisciplinary conference on:

“#MeToo and Epistemic Injustice”

Over the past year, the #MeToo movement has forced into national consciousness what has long been an underground truth known by women: the horrifying pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault as routine everyday occurrences, largely unpunished. How can one explain the resistance there has traditionally been, as recently brought out in one high-profile case after another, to taking women’s testimony seriously? Using Miranda Fricker’s innovative concept of “epistemic injustice” as a focus—the refusal to give members of subordinated groups a fair hearing—this 2-day interdisciplinary conference will examine the problem in its multiple dimensions. Eighteen theorists from a wide variety of subjects—philosophy, political theory, media studies, history, gender and women’s studies, LGBTQ theory, Africana and Native American studies, law, and disability theory—will look from their distinctive perspectives at women’s vulnerability to sexual harassment and assault, and the ways in which it is complicated by class, race, nationality, sexuality, and disability.

October 5-6, 2018


  • Oct 5th – Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65th St.
    9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Oct 6th – Skylight Room (9100), CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave.
    10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.


  • Linda Martín Alcoff, Philosophy, Hunter College & CUNY Grad Center
  • Susan Brison, Philosophy, Dartmouth College
  • Ann Cahill, Philosophy, Elon University
  • Nirmala Erevelles, Disability Studies & Education, University of Alabama
  • Karyn Freedman, Philosophy, University of Guelph
  • Miranda Fricker, Philosophy, CUNY Grad Center
  • Mishuana Goeman, Gender Studies & American Indian Studies, UCLA
  • Suzanne Goldberg, Columbia Law School
  • Raja Halwani, Liberal Arts, Art Institute of Chicago
  • Alison Jaggar, Philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Kate Manne, Philosophy, Cornell University
  • Danielle McGuire, Independent Historian
  • Sarah Clark Miller, Philosophy, Penn State University
  • Rupal Oza, Women & Gender Studies, Hunter College & CUNY Grad Center
  • Andrea Press, Media Studies & Sociology, University of Virginia
  • Tricia Rose, Africana Studies, Brown University
  • Dina Siddiqi, Women & Gender Studies, Hunter College
  • Shatema Threadcraft, Government, Dartmouth College

Conference organizers: Linda Martín Alcoff and Charles W. Mills

Conference Poster

Epistemology and Ethics Workshop @ Plaza View Room, 12th Floor
Oct 16 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

AY 2018 – 19 Workshop Schedule

September 25th – Avery Archer (GWU)

October 16th – Daniel Singer (Penn)

November 13th – Ariel Zylberman (SUNY Albany)

February 26th – Vita Emery (Fordham)

March 26th – Kathryn Tabb (Columbia)

April 23rd – Carol Hay (UMass Lowell)

The Epistemology and Ethics group is composed of faculty and graduate students at Fordham and other nearby universities. Papers are read in advance, so the majority of the time is devoted to questions and discussion.

Location: Plaza View Room, 12th Floor, Lowenstein Bldg., 113 West 60th Street. If interested in attending, email dheney[at]fordham[dot]edu.

A Dash of Hegel: A discussion with Slavoj Žižek, Rebecca Comay, and Frank Ruda @ Deutsches Haus
Oct 23 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Art of Refusal: Overcoming Epistemic Injustice in the #MeToo Era, Sarah Clark Miller (Penn State) @ Brooklyn Public Library
Nov 7 @ 7:30 pm

On Wednesday, November 7th at 7:30 PM, Sarah Clark Miller (Penn State) joins us to discuss “The Art of Refusal: Overcoming Epistemic Injustice in the #MeToo Era.” She’ll talk about how survivors of sexual assault and harassment can deal with the fact that many people don’t believe them. It’s a difficult topic, but I think it’s really, really important. If you’re interested in the epistemological questions surrounding #MeToo – what standards of evidence are appropriate for sexual misconduct claims made in different sorts of contexts, what are the moral and epistemic reasons to believe women, what new concepts might survivors need to understand their own experiences – this might be one to check out.

As usual, we meet at the Dweck Center at the central branch of the Brooklyn Public Library (10 Grand Army Plaza). You can find more details at the Facebook event. I’d appreciate it if you could help spread the word

Epistemology and Ethics Workshop @ Plaza View Room, 12th Floor
Nov 13 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

AY 2018 – 19 Workshop Schedule

September 25th – Avery Archer (GWU)

October 16th – Daniel Singer (Penn)

November 13th – Ariel Zylberman (SUNY Albany)

February 26th – Vita Emery (Fordham)

March 26th – Kathryn Tabb (Columbia)

April 23rd – Carol Hay (UMass Lowell)

The Epistemology and Ethics group is composed of faculty and graduate students at Fordham and other nearby universities. Papers are read in advance, so the majority of the time is devoted to questions and discussion.

Location: Plaza View Room, 12th Floor, Lowenstein Bldg., 113 West 60th Street. If interested in attending, email dheney[at]fordham[dot]edu.

The Lucas Brothers & Michael Brownstein – Philosophy of Comedy @ Strand Books, 2nd flr. Art Dept.
Nov 28 @ 7:30 pm

You probably know the Lucas Brothers from their Netflix comedy special On Drugs or their appearances in TV shows and movies like Lady Dynamite and 22 Jump Street. You might not know that they are serious students of philosophy. Join us on Wednesday, November 28th at 7:30 PM in the Strand Bookstore’s 2nd Floor Art Department as Kenny and Keith Lucas join Michael Brownstein (Associate Professor of Philosophy at John Jay College and author of The Implicit Mind) to discuss how philosophy shapes their comedy, how comedy works, the weirdly popular idea that comedians are today’s philosophers, and more.

The price of admission is a $5 gift certificate to the Strand. (You were probably going to spend $5 at the Strand some time soon, anyway.) Please purchase tickets here and share the Facebook event. I will take all the help I can get in spreading the word.

Stay tuned for more info about Kwame Anthony Appiah’s December 4th talk about identity at Philosophy in the Library!

Technê as Productive Knowledge for Aristotle, Simona Aimar (UCL) @ Columbia University Philosophy Dept. 716
Nov 29 @ 4:10 pm – 6:00 pm

Reception to follow

Epistemology and Ethics Workshop @ Plaza View Room, 12th Floor
Feb 26 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

AY 2018 – 19 Workshop Schedule

September 25th – Avery Archer (GWU)

October 16th – Daniel Singer (Penn)

November 13th – Ariel Zylberman (SUNY Albany)

February 26th – Vita Emery (Fordham)

March 26th – Kathryn Tabb (Columbia)

April 23rd – Carol Hay (UMass Lowell)

The Epistemology and Ethics group is composed of faculty and graduate students at Fordham and other nearby universities. Papers are read in advance, so the majority of the time is devoted to questions and discussion.

Location: Plaza View Room, 12th Floor, Lowenstein Bldg., 113 West 60th Street. If interested in attending, email dheney[at]fordham[dot]edu.

Marrying Indigenous Wisdom and Scientific Knowledge: Reimagining the Human Place in Nature @ Union Theological Seminary
Feb 27 @ 6:30 pm

Join us for a conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer as she helps us rethink, reimagine and, renarrate our relationship to the sacred and the natural world. Can the objective, data-driven approach of science be enriched by non-anthropocentric spiritual worldviews? As a botanist and a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Dr. Kimmerer draws on both indigenous wisdom and scientific knowledge to enrich and animate our understanding of the natural world. This expansive way of seeing and relating to creation privileges regeneration and reciprocity, and offers novel solutions for ecological restoration and climate change resilience.

Dr. Kimmerer will be joined in conversation with Union faculty member John Thatamanil, and Geraldine Ann Patrick Encina, Scholar in Residence for Union’s Center for Earth Ethics.


About Robin Wall Kimmerer:
Dr. Kimmerer is a mother, plant ecologist, writer and SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York. She serves as the founding Director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment whose mission is to create programs which draw on the wisdom of both indigenous and scientific knowledge for our shared goals of sustainability. Her research interests include the role of traditional ecological knowledge in ecological restoration and the ecology of mosses. In collaboration with tribal partners, she and her students have an active research program in the ecology and restoration of plants of cultural significance to Native people. Read More.

About The Insight Project:
The Insight Project is a new multi-year program series that explores modern conceptions of theology and spirituality through a diverse array of thought-provoking lectures, screenings, performances, and on-stage conversations. Click HERE to learn more.