Life Unfree: Meaning, Purpose, and Punishment Without Free Will @ Cornelia Street Café
Jan 11 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

The Gotham Philosophical Society presents:

Life Unfree: Meaning, Purpose, and Punishment Without Free Will

Free will is an illusion. Who we are and what we do is the result of factors beyond our control. So claim many philosophers and cognitive scientists, armed with empirical data and reasoned arguments. But their conclusion seems intolerable. Without freedom, in what sense are our lives and actions really ours? And if what we do isn’t under our control, how can we be held responsible for our doing it? What sense could we make of the idea of criminal justice? Is a life without free will a life worth living? Philosopher and free will skeptic Gregg D. Caruso thinks it is. Join us as he discusses how we, as individuals and a society, can make sense of life without free will.

Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6pm at The Cornelia Street Café, located at 29 Cornelia Street, New York, NY 10014 (near Sixth Avenue and West 4th St.). Admission is $9, which includes the price of one drink. Reservations are recommended (212. 989.9319).

BKPP – Ajay Chaudhary, “Islamic Modernism: Philosophy, Politics, and the Strange Case of Jalal Al-e Ahmad” @ Infocommons Lab, Brooklyn Public Library
Mar 30 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

In many histories of philosophy, Islamic philosophers have appeared primarily as messengers, safeguarding Aristotle’s writings for a few hundred years until European philosophers were ready to rediscover them in the middle ages. But despite its near erasure from Western histories of philosophy, a robust philosophical conversation has carried on in the Islamic world from the middle ages to the present day. On Wednesday, March 30th at 7:00 P.M., Ajay Chaudhary (founding Director of the awesome Brooklyn Institute for Social Research) joins Brooklyn Public Philosophers to help bring us up to speed on modern Islamic philosophy by introducing us to the work of the 20th century Iranian political philosopher Jalal Al-e Ahmad.

Here’s a bit more about Dr. Chaudhary’s talk, in his own words:

Islamic Modernism: Philosophy, Politics, and the Strange Case of Jalal Al-e Ahmad

Many philosophers and historians of philosophy will be aware of seminal Islamic philosophers like Ibn Rush (Averroes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), or al-Farabi who appear like non-European apparitions in the “Western canon” as a magical connective tissue between early Christian philosophy and the sudden emergence of Catholic Aristotelianism in the middle ages. And then, just as mysteriously, the history of philosophy is exorcized, the Muslims exeunt, and the philosophical canon happily marches back “on course” through Descartes, Kant, and on to today. The extraordinary influence of Averroes in the history of European thought – for example, his innovations in the discussion of free will – becomes a mere footnote. Islamic philosophy is reduced in some modern accounts to a mere “transmission” of Greek thought and often is assumed to more or less end with al-Ghazali and his rigorous challenge to many schools of philosophy in favor of both mysticism and legal reasoning. But – shocking as it may seem – Muslims did not in fact stop thinking.

In this talk, we will explore Islamic thought after this period and especially modern political thought. First, I will briefly give an account of “what happened” in Islamic philosophy long after Ibn Rushd and al-Ghazali had faded, the extraordinary trajectories taken by Islamic thinkers, and the particular challenges posed for philosophy – even comparative philosophy – by the Islamic tradition (insofar as it is even fair to treat as a “the” or “one” tradition). Islamic philosophy occupies an extremely awkward position for contemporary Anglo-American and Continental traditions. Unlike many South and East Asian traditions, Islamic philosophy is perhaps a little too close to home for Western philosophers—a competing tradition that sees itself as the natural continuation of Greek thought and in near constant conversation with “Western” philosophy, not merely from classical sources like Plato and Aristotle and Late Antiquity sources like Plotinus but up through the modern period and into contemporary conversations. There are extraordinarily thorny issues: when and why is a particular philosophy identified as “Islamic”? Is this a confessional category? Must all Islamic thought be theological in nature? There are myriad Muslims and individuals of Muslim derivation who do philosophy that is recognizable within Anglo-American and Contintental traditions. Surely, they should not all be counted – and many would not personally identify – as “Islamic Philosophers”, and yet this poses a perplexing question: why are certain philosophical texts marked not as “philosophy” but as “cultural artifacts”, not to be considered for their arguments but as social scientific or literary ‘evidence’?

Second, to unravel some of these dilemmas and simultaneously introduce one of the most fascinating Islamic thinkers of the 20th century, I will discuss the political philosophy of Jalal Al-e Ahmad and address his contributions to political thought and Islamic thought. While Al-e Ahmad is virtually unknown in the United States and Europe by all but specialists, he has been extremely influential in Middle Eastern, African, and South Asian thought. Al-e Ahmad falls exactly along the fault lines described here: he was not a formal philosopher but rather a novelist and – most influentially – a pamphleteer and essayist (the history of political philosophy being particularly full of these kinds of works). He was a non-believer but was well acquainted with popular Islamic philosophy and thought, Shii seminarian theology, and 20th century European thought – especially Marxism, liberalism, and existentialism – and wrote drawing on all of these backgrounds. His most famous contribution to modern political thought is defining and popularizing the concept of gharbzadegi, a Persian neologism that can be loosely translated as West-strucken-ness. This term – translated more commonly if less accurately as “occidentosis” or “westoxication” – was originally coined by the Iranian Heideggerian philosopher Ahmad Fardid and has had extraordinary afterlives not only in Iranian political thought but throughout the Muslim world and indeed, even beyond. In Al-e Ahmad’s hands, the term transformed from one of an expression of existential angst into a serious attempt to take the geographies, histories, material practices, and concepts of non-Western, particularly Islamic societies, seriously as building blocks for universalistic political philosophy. Indeed, Al-e Ahmad’s book Gharbzadegi is as much a critique of European politics, Islamic religiosity and quiescence, as it is a diagnosis of a particular political condition in places like Iran. Often mistaken as a proto-Khomeini or an Islamic Heidegger – or both – we will examine Al-e Ahmad’s work in comparative perspective with thinkers particularly in the Marxian tradition like Walter Benjamin and Antonio Gramsci whose works are more complementary to Al-e Ahmad while paying close attention to Al-e Ahmad’s unique contributions to political philosophy. Examining Al-e Ahmad will give us a window not only into one fascinating version of modern Islamic political philosophy but will help us understand the perplexing place of Islamic thought in the broad global scope of contemporary philosophy.

As usual, we’re meeting in the Info Commons lab at the Grand Army Plaza branch of the Brooklyn Public Library.

Tell your friends/students/teachers/strangers! Bring a date! Bring someone with whom you disagree about cultural imperialism/American foreign policy in the Middle East!

See you there, I hope!

Brooklyn Public Philosophers Spring Lineup:

4/27 – Lydia Goehr
{music in context}

5/18 – Ian Olasov
{moral talk in everyday life}

Looking for Love (In All the Wrong Places) @ Cornelia Street Café
May 17 @ 6:00 pm

“All you need is love.” So sayeth the gospel of John (Lennon). But what is love? What sorts of things can be the object of our love? Do we love what we love in virtue of their qualities, in virtue of something else, or “just because.” How important is love? In recent years philosophers have addressed (or dodged) these questions. I’ll tell you something about what they’ve been saying and writing, but mostly I’ll be trying to get you to help me answer these questions.

Join philosopher Dale Jamieson in this collaborative investigation into the nature of love, that most essential and yet most intellectually elusive of human emotions.

Tuesday, May 17, at 6pm.  This event is part of the Philosophy Series at The Cornelia Street Café, located at 29 Cornelia Street, New York, NY 10014 (near Sixth Avenue and West 4th St.). Admission is $9, which includes the price of one drink. Reservations are recommended (212. 989.9319)

Dale Jamieson is Chair of the Environmental Studies Department; Professor of Environmental Studies and of Philosophy; and the Founding Director of Environmental Studies and Animal Studies at New York University. He has written extensively on the environment, climate change, and our relationship to animals. He is the author of several works, including Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle to Stop Climate Change Failed–and What It Means For Our Future and, most recently, Love in the Anthropocene (with Bonnie Nazdam).

North American Society for Early Phenomenology & Max Scheler Society Conference @ St. John's U., Manhattan Campus
May 19 – May 21 all-day

The North American Society for Early Phenomenology

in conjunction with

The Max Scheler Society of North America


Feeling, Valuing, and Judging: Phenomenological Investigations in Axiology

May 19th-21st, 2016

St. John’s University – Manhattan Campus

Invited Speakers

  • Anthony Steinbock (Southern Illinois University – Carbondale)
  • John Drummond (Fordham University)
  • James Dodd (New School for Social Research)

Call for Abstracts

Feelings, values, and judgements all played central roles in the philosophical writings of the early phenomenologists – from their discussions of formalism in ethics, to social ontology, the phenomenology of moods and emotions, and even the phenomenology of religion. Though heavily inspired by the work of Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler and the Munich phenomenologists conceived phenomenology as less a method and more an attitude, and developed their phenomenological investigations accordingly. With the phenomenological attitude, the meaning of the object of cognition is revealed. Doxic, volitional, and affective intentional attitudes gives rise to phenomenological descriptions of the world in terms of its meaning and value. Understood in this way, the early phenomenologists saw questions of value as arising alongside questions of ontology.

The theme of this conference will be phenomenological studies in axiology (ethics and aesthetics), and will look at the relationship of intuition, the emotions, and intersubjectivity to acts of feeling, valuing, and judging. Topics include phenomenological theories of valuation, the departure of later phenomenologists from Husserl’s and Brentano’s distinctions of types of mental phenomena, axiological properties of intentional objects, the self as a member of a community, sympathy and empathy, criteria for correct and incorrect value judgments, the difference between axiological and ontic characteristics and fact-value differentiation, axiology in universals and particulars, judgments of value and the role of implicit beliefs, phenomenological descriptions of striving, volition, emotions, moods, the beautiful and the sublime, etc. We encourage papers on the work of Franz Brentano, Edmund Husserl, Theodor Lipps, Max Scheler, Alexander Pfänder, Moritz Geiger, Josef Geyser, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Siegfried Hamburger, Nicolai Hartmann, Waldemar Conrad, Aurel Kolnai, Roman Ingarden, Edith Stein, Emmanuel Levinas, Hans Reiner, and others. We are also interested in papers proposing original phenomenological descriptions of emotions, feelings, volition, and judgments that follow the phenomenological tradition, and build upon these historical antecedents in new and interesting ways.

Abstracts should be 500-700 words, and include a short bibliography of primary and secondary sources.  All abstracts must be prepared for blind review and sent via email in .doc or .docx format to Dr. Rodney Parker at: (rodney.k.b.parker@gmail.com).

Both senior researchers and graduate students are encouraged to submit.

Deadline for submissions is: December 15, 2015.



The Max Scheler Society of North America (MSSNA) invites members of the international community of scholars to participate in their biannual meeting, which will be held at St. John’s University, Manhattan Campus. The 2016 meeting will take place in conjunction with the North American Society for Early Phenomenology (NASEP), with sessions from each society running concurrently.

Broadly conceived, the general theme of the meeting is the phenomenology of value or axiology. The MSSNA is particularly interested in papers examining Max Scheler’s contribution to the study of value and the relevance of his work to recent investigations. Papers examining the significance of value in Scheler’s thought are not restricted to his ethics and may concern any aspect of his work. For this meeting, the intent is to have a program that reflects the tremendous diversity of Scheler’s thought and relevance of value in human existence.

Participants will have approximately 35 minutes to present their work. Though completed papers are preferred, abstracts of at least 500 words in length will also be considered. Deadline for submission is December 15, 2015.

All submissions should be sent electronically to Dr. Zachary Davis (davisz@stjohns.edu). Because all submissions will be reviewed blindly by the selection committee, submissions should have a separate cover sheet with name and contact information. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by January 31.

3rd Speculative Ethics Forum @ St. John's Philosophy Dept.
Nov 18 all-day

Keynote speakers:

Michael Smith
Princeton University


The Speculative Ethics Forum is a one day workshop-style event in which we’ll consider the most challenging matters of ethics. Ethical approaches of all sorts are welcomed–analytic, continental, ancient, medieval, Asian, and so on. Most papers are invited. However, there are two slots open for submissions. Any paper in ethical theory will be considered for acceptance. Bold and speculative inquiries are preferred to papers that primarily defend ground already gained or papers that are primarily scholarly. Our aim, in short, is to have a single day concentrated on expanding the horizons of ethics.

Our Invited Speakers Are:

Katja Vogt  (Columbia University)
James Dodd  (New School for Social Research)
Leo Zaibert  (Union College)
Justin Clarke-Doane  (Columbia University)


St. John’s University



November 17, 2017, 11:45pm EST

speculative.ethics.forum [at the host] gmail.com

Time in Mayan Philosophy – Alexus McLeod @ Brooklyn Public Library, Dweck Center
Feb 13 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Beyond the Linear-Cyclical Distinction: The Nature of Maya Philosophy of Time

Since the early 20th century, anthropologists have distinguished two ways cultures can think about time. On the linear conception of time, everything happens only once, never to be repeated. On the cyclic conception of time, the world is made of a recurring cycle of events. This distinction has come to be a mainstay of categorizing Maya conceptions of time, even in much contemporary scholarship.  I argue that the linear-cyclical distinction is problematic for understanding ancient Maya conceptions of time, that it is a problematic distinction in general, and that a better way of understanding the ancient Maya conception of time is in terms of the ritual connection between “deep time” and “human time”. Ancient Maya rituals concerning time are most accurately thought of in terms of the ritual expression and visualization of continual creation, rather than in terms of the cyclical renewal of time.  Finally, I argue that focus on the human time-deep time distinction can help us better understand broader features of Maya metaphysics in areas such as the continuity of persons and objects through time.

In his new book, Philosophy of the Ancient Maya: Lords of Time, Alexus McLeod (Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut) presents a pioneering study of the philosophical thought of the Maya. On Tuesday, February 13th at 7:30 PM, Dr. McLeod joins BPL Presents and Brooklyn Public Philosophers to discuss the Maya philosophy of time.