Paul Kottman: Love as Human Freedom @ Wolff Conference Room, Albert and Vera List Academic Center, rm D1103
Sep 22 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Paul Kottman, Associate Professor of Literary Studies, gives a lecture entitled “Love as Human Freedom”.

Rather than see love as a natural form of affection, or as a reflection of reigning ideologies, this lecture presents love as a practice that changes over time, through which new social realities are brought into being. Love brings about, and helps us to explain, immense social-historical shifts—from the rise of feminism and the emergence of bourgeois family life, to the struggles for abortion rights and birth control and the erosion of a gender-based division of labor. Drawing on Hegel, via interpretations of literary works, Kottman argues that love generates and explains expanded possibilities for freely lived lives, and is a fundamental way that we make sense of temporal change, especially the inevitability of death and the propagation of life.

About the speaker:

Paul Kottman is the author of Tragic Conditions in Shakespeare (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009), A Politics of the Scene (Stanford University Press, 2008) and is the editor of Philosophers on Shakespeare (Stanford University Press, 2009), and The Insistence of Art: Aesthetic Philosophy and Early Modernity (Fordham UP, forthcoming). His next book is tentatively entitled Love as Human Freedom. He is also the editor of a new book series at Stanford University Press, called Square One: First-Order Questions in the Humanities.

Sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research.

Jason Stanley: Non-Ideal Philosophy of Language @ Wolff Conference Room, Albert and Vera List Academic Center, rm D1103
Oct 27 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Jason Stanley, Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, gives a lecture entitled “Non-Ideal Philosophy of Language”

Science requires idealizations. Physicists, for example, often work with ideal models of reality that abstract from the existence of friction. The theory of meaning, both in philosophy and linguistics, is no different. Virtually all work in the theory of meaning presupposes an idealized model, which Stanley calls the standard model, in which various idealizations have been made to focus on attention on the putatively most central aspects of linguistic communication. In this talk, part of co-authored work with the linguist David Beaver, Stanley isolates five idealizations that are made by the vast majority of work in the theory of meaning, and argues that these idealizations are scientifically problematic and politically flawed. Stanley uses the critique of the standard model to sketch a new program for the theory of meaning, one that places at the center of inquiry into linguistic communication precisely the features of communication that the idealizations of the standard model seem to almost deliberately occlude.

About the speaker:

Jason Stanley is the Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University. Before coming to Yale in 2013, he was Distinguished Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Rutgers University. He has also been a Professor at the University of Michigan (2000-2004) and Cornell University (1995-2000). His PhD was earned in 1995 at the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT (Robert Stalnaker, chair), and he received his BA from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1990.

Professor Stanley has published four books, two in epistemology, one in philosophy of language and semantics, and one in social and political philosophy. His first book was Knowledge and Practical Interests published in 2005 by Oxford University Press. It was the winner of the 2007 American Philosophical Association book prize. Professor Stanley’s second book, Language in Context, also OUP, was published in 2007. This is a collection of his papers in semantics published between 2000 and 2007 on the topic of linguistic communication and context. His third book, Know How, was published in 2011, also with OUP. Professor Stanley’s fourth book, How Propaganda Works, was published by Princeton University Press in May, 2015. It was the winner of the 2016 PROSE award for the subject area of philosophy.

Sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research.

Nabina Liebow – But Where Are You Really From? Responding to Racial Microaggressions @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103, Albert and Vera List Academic Center
Feb 2 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Nabina Liebow, PhD Georgetown University, gives a lecture entitled:

 “But Where Are You Really From?” Responding to Racial Microaggressions

Liebow will argue that the particular structure of racial microaggressions makes the potential social cost of confronting microaggressors high for microagressees; this is part of what makes patterns of racial microaggressions difficult to disrupt. This difficulty helps make racial microaggressions effective tools for sustaining racial oppression.

Camisha Russell – I Just Want Children Like Me: Race as a Proxy in American Kinship. @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103, Albert and Vera List Academic Center
Feb 9 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

In this talk, Professor Russell describes how notions of race have organized the American concept of kinship. She argues that this history of the association of race and kinship in the American imaginary allows race to serve as a proxy for kinship in the contemporary fertility clinic.

Camisha Russell received her PhD in Philosophy from Penn State University in 2013. Her first book, The Assisted Reproduction of Race: Thinking Through Race as a Reproductive Technology, forthcoming with Indiana University Press, explores the role of race and racial identity in the ideas and practices surrounding assisted reproductive technologies. Her primary research and teaching interests are in Critical Philosophy of Race, Feminist Philosophy, and Bioethics. Her publications include “Black American Sexuality and the Repressive Hypothesis: Reading Patricia Hill Collins with Michel Foucault” in Convergences: Black Women & Continental Philosophy, “Questions of Race in Bioethics: Deceit, Disregard, Disparity, and the Work of Decentering” in Philosophy Compass, and “The Race Idea in Reproductive Technologies: Beyond Epistemic Scientism and Technological Mastery” in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. She has held both a Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (2012-13) and a University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013-15). Before attending graduate school, she served as a Peace Corps Volunteer for the Girls’ Education and Empowerment program in Togo, West Africa. She is currently a Riley Scholar-in-Residence in the Philosophy Department at Colorado College.

The Value of Privacy Beyond Autonomy – Tobias Matzner @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103, Albert and Vera List Academic Center
Mar 30 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Abstract || Traditionally privacy is valued for protecting individual freedom and autonomy. Such concepts of privacy and the underlying idea of autonomy have drawn criticism from various quarters. Feminist thinkers and critical theorists have advanced such criticism on normative grounds. In the recent years, they have been joined by arguments on a pragmatic level, which show that such concepts of privacy no longer can orient life in a world permeated with new threats to privacy, in particular due to the development of information technology. In consequence, many theories have reconstructed concepts privacy in light of this criticism, often by invoking more relational concepts of autonomy.  The talk proposes a different approach. Using a more socially situated concept of the subject, which is derived from Hannah Arendt’s thought, it shows that privacy plays a more fundamental value for the constitution of subjectivity, beyond autonomy.

Presented by The New School for Social Research

Tobias Matzner works in political philosophy and philosophy of technology. He is a visiting scholar at the Department of Philosophy at The New School for Social Research, and a member of the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities in Tübingen, Germany.

The Affability of the Normative, Todd May @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Sep 28 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Todd May is Class of 1941 Memorial Professor of the Humanities at Clemson University.  He is the author of fourteen books of philosophy, most recently A Fragile Life and A Significant Life, both from University of Chicago Press.


Ineffability is in the air these days, and has been for some time. In many areas of Continental philosophy, it is the very ethos in which thought is conducted. I argue that the realm of the normative, at least, is deeply linguistic. In contrast to the attempt of some thinkers to remove the normative from the conceptual or the linguistic, I try to show that it is central to normativity to have a linguistic reference, a reference rooted precisely in the sense of conceptual categories that so concern thinkers of the ineffable.

Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

Kant on Freedom in Thought and Action, Patricia Kitcher @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Dec 14 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Kant tried to explain how free moral action was possible.  Unfortunately, he is often interpreted as explaining free choice of action in terms of the unexplained free choice of a Gesinnung by a faculty of choice. By avoiding this mistake, we can see him as offering an informative decomposition of the task of free or moral action.  Further, one of Kant’s reasons for thinking that morality could not be explained by science depended on his assumptions about then current science. Since we can now reject that view of science, it is now possible to give a plausible scientific account, and so metaphysics, for Kant’s plausible account of the necessary conditions for free or moral action.

Patricia Kitcher is Roberta and William Campbell Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University.  She is the author of two books on Kant’s conceptions of cognition and the self, Kant’s Transcendental Psychology (Oxford University Press, 1990) and Kant’s Thinker (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

Making Our Thoughts Clear: The Role of Language in the Pursuit of Self-Knowledge – Eli Alshanetsky (Stanford) @ Orozco Room, A712
Feb 26 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

We often make our thoughts clear to ourselves in the process of putting them into words. In this lecture I introduce a new puzzle about this process—one that’s reminiscent of the famous paradox about inquiry in Plato’s Meno. The puzzle is that, on the one hand, coming to know what we’re thinking seems to require finding words that would express our thought; yet, on the other hand, finding such words seems to require already knowing what we’re thinking.

I consider and reject two possible solutions to this puzzle. The first solution denies that language contributes to our knowledge of our thoughts. The second solution denies that we have a fully formed thought that we try to articulate in the first place. The failure of these solutions points to a positive account of the role of language in the pursuit of self-knowledge, on which language mediates between two different “formats” or modes of thought. Among the broader implications of this account is a richer conception of the aims and methods of philosophy.

Aaron James Wendland on “’Authenticity, Truth, and Cultural Transformation: A Critical Reading of John Haugeland’s Heidegger” @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Oct 11 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Abstract: On the standard reading, Heidegger’s account of authenticity in Being and Time amounts to an existentialist theory of human freedom. Against this interpretation, John Haugeland reads Heidegger’s account of authenticity as a crucial feature of Heidegger’s fundamental ontology: i.e., Heidegger’s attempt to determine the meaning of being via an analysis of human beings. Haugeland’s argument is based on the notion that taking responsibility for our existence entails getting the being of entities right. Specifically, Haugeland says that our ability to choose allows us to question and test the disclosure of being through which entities are intelligible to us against the entities themselves, and he adds that taking responsibility for our existence involves transforming our disclosure of being when it fails to meet the truth test. Although I agree that Heidegger’s existentialism is a crucial feature of his fundamental ontology, I argue that the details of Haugeland’s interpretation are inconsistent. My objection is that if, as Haugeland claims, entities are only intelligible via disclosures of being, then it is incoherent for Haugeland to say that entities themselves can serve as intelligible standard against which disclosures can be truth-tested or transformed. Finally, I offer an alternative to Haugeland’s truth-based take on authenticity and cultural transformation via an ends-based onto-methodological interpretation of Heidegger and Kuhn. Here I argue that the ends pursed by a specific community determine both the meaning of being and the movement of human history.

Bio: Aaron James Wendland completed his PhD at Somerville College, Oxford and he is currently Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the HSE’s Center for Advanced Studies in Moscow. Aaron is the co-editor of Wittgenstein and Heidegger (Routledge, 2013) and Heidegger on Technology (Routledge, 2018), and he has written scholarly articles on Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida, and Kuhn. Aaron has also published several pieces of popular philosophy in The New York TimesPublic Seminar, and The Los Angeles Review of Books. He currents serves as an art critic for The Moscow Times and Dialogue of Arts. And as of January 2019, Aaron will be the Director of the Center for Philosophy and Visual Arts at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

New Fascism Mass Psychology & Financialization @ Wolff Conference Room, NSSR, D1103/ UL104
Feb 21 @ 10:00 am – 1:30 pm

What do the worlds of global finance and nationalist populism have in common? How can we understand the rise of today’s ‘new fascisms’ through the prism of financialization? This one-day workshop brings together scholars from across disciplines to debate  these key questions for our understanding of contemporary capitalism. The workshop is part of Public Seminar’s Imaginal Politics initiative and is organised jointly with the Department of Social Science, University College London. The workshop will include three panel discussions and will close with a talk by Judith Butler on ‘Anti-gender ideology and the new fascism’.

Organised by Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou (University College London) and Chiara Bottici (The New School)

10-11.45am – Panel 1 (Wolff Conference Room, D1103)

Julia Ott (The New School)
Arjun Appadurai (NYU)
Saskia Sassen (Columbia)
Moderator:  Jeffrey Goldfarb

12.-1.30pm -Panel 2 (Wolff Conference Room, D1103)

Nancy Fraser (New School)
Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou (UCL)
Moderator: Rahel Jaeggi 
1.30 – 2.30pm -lunch-

2.30-4.15pm – Panel 3 (UL104, University Center)
Eli Zaretsky (The New School) 
Jamieson Webster (Psychoanalyst, DU)
Chiara Bottici ( The New School)
Moderator: Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou

4.30-6pm – Closing plenary & discussion (UL104, University Center)

Judith Butler (UC Berkeley)
‘The New Fascism of the Anti-Gender Ideology Movement’ 
Moderator: Cinzia Arruzza
Please note that this event takes place in two different locations. 
6 E 16 Street Room D1103 (Wolff) and 63 5 Ave Room UL104.