On Pragmatism, Normativity and Logical Pluralism – Marcos Silva (Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 3209
Nov 13 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm

Abstract: It is easy to take reason as an authoritative power and to observe that we obey it, or at least, we should obey it. However, it is not obvious how we could explain the nature of the authority that compels us to obey reason. Why and how do we take reason as an authority and feel obliged to obey it? What is the nature of demanding for justification? In virtue of what do we feel coerced by reason in our inferential practices, in both practical and theoretical reasoning? The power of reason can be taken, for example, as guiding our decisions for practical life and as the power to compel one to accept the conclusion of a proof. How can some forms of reasoning compel one to act and to infer? The difficulties with the normativity of logic seems to be even more difficult in the contemporary context of a great diversity of logical systems. To tackle the problem of logical pluralism, in this talk, I aim at developing a pragmatist and constructivist philosophical proposal based on the notions of games, that is, ruled practices, and of public agreements to understand the phenomenon of rationality in general, and, of logical necessity in particular. Accordingly, I develop philosophical investigation connecting games, proofs, and morality, which goes back to Frege (1897), as he seminally relates the nature of logic to the philosophical discussion on moral and freedom: “Logic has a closer affinity with ethics [than psychology] … Here, too, we can talk of justification, and here, too, this is not simply a matter of relating what actually took place or of showing that things had to happen as they did and not in any other way” (Posthumous Writings, p. 4). The interpretation to be developed here is that rational obligation should be taken as moral obligation and, in particular, that logical necessity should be taken as a kind of moral coercion, based on the normative notions of rules, authority, commitment, and mutual recognition. This work is part of a larger project related to a pragmatist approach to understand the normativity of logic in the context of logical pluralism.

The meeting is open to all interested. Please feel free to pass this announcement on.

If you wish to be added to or removed from this mailing list email me:

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop Fall 2017:

September 11 Lovett, NYU

September 18 Skiles, NYU

September 25 Jago, Nottingham

October 2 Greenstein, Private Scholar

October 9 GC Closed. No meeting

October 16 Ripley UConn

October 23 Mares, Wellington

October 30 Woods, Bristol

November 6 Hamkins, GC

November 13 Silva, Alagoas

November 20 Yi, Toronto

November 27 Malink, NYU

December 4 Kivatinos, GC

Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
Feb 20 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
Mar 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

21st Annual CUNY Graduate Philosophy Conference: Self and Other @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 9206
Mar 23 all-day

The 21st Annual CUNY Graduate Philosophy Conference will take place on March 23rd, 2018 at the CUNY Graduate Center (365 5th Avenue). This year’s theme is “Self and Other”, broadly construed. The program below features Dr. Akeel Bilgrami (Columbia) and Dr. Daniel Kolak (William Paterson University) as keynote speakers. Eight graduate students from departments across the U.S. and abroad will give 30-minute talks spanning a broad array of philosophical research areas.

Click the links to download PDFs of the the conference flyer and schedule of talks.

Time / Title / Speaker / Affiliation


9-9:30 AM / Embedded Love: What it Means for / Love to Structure Your Will / Hunter Gentry / University of Houston

9:30-10 AM / Animal Intimacy: Intra-Species connectivity and care in the Touch / Stephanie Mieko Struble / Western Connecticut State University

10-10:30 AM / BREAK

10:30-11AM / Foundations of Loyalty: Transcending Self and Other / Sara Pope / Fordham University

11-11:30 AM / Self as Other: On the Interpretation of Mirror Self-Recognition / Pengbo Liu / University of Massachusetts

11:30 AM -12:30 PM / LUNCH

12:30-1:30 PM / Keynote

Inquiry and Academic Freedom: Philosophical Reflections on Current Controversies on Campuses

Akeel Bilgrami

Columbia University

1:30-1:45 PM / BREAK

1:45-2:15 PM / Other Minds in Other Traditions: The Problem of Other Minds in Plantinga and Heidegger / Ben Koons / Oxford University, Oriel College

2:15-2:45 PM / The intrinsic epistemic value of primitive introspection / Anna Giustina / Institut Jean Nicod/Ecole Normale Supérieure/PSL Research University

2:45-3 PM / BREAK

3-3:30 PM / Who Do You Speak For? And How? The Management of Identities in Online Abuse / Michael Barnes / Georgetown University

3:30-4 PM / Hospitality and the Political Economy of Care / Lisa M. Madura / Vanderbilt University

4-4:30 PM / BREAK

4:30-5.30 PM / Keynote

Open Individualism: the Five Ways

Daniel Kolak

William Paterson University


Naturalized Aesthetics of Film Workshop @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 5307
Mar 27 @ 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Two CUNY Philosophy professors (Noël Carroll and Jesse Prinz) will present research alongside PhD student Zoe Cunliffe and alumna Laura Di Summa-Knoop in the upcoming Workshop on “Naturalized Aesthetics of Film”, taking place March 27th from 2-6pm in GC Room 5307. Additional presenters include Joerg Fingerhut (postdoc, Berlin School of Mind and Brain) and Murray Smith (University of Kent). The workshop celebrates Smith’s new monograph Film, Art, and the Third Culture, which defends an interdisciplinary approach to film studies.

See the poster below for additional details (including the workshop schedule).
Click here to download it as a PDF.

Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
Apr 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

CUNY Undergraduate Philosophy Conference @ La Guardia Philosophy Dept.
Apr 20 all-day

This is a Call for Papers for the 8th Annual CUNY Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.  Submissions from any area of philosophy are welcome, but the primary author must be an undergraduate. Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length and should be suitable for 15–20 minute presentations. Electronic submissions should be in Word or PDF format and should ready for blind review.  In your submission email, please include your name, the title of your paper, your institutional affiliation, and your preferred email address for correspondence.

Please send your submissions to

Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

The Foundations of Conceptual Engineering @ NYU Philosophy Dept. rm 202
Sep 14 – Sep 15 all-day

One dimension of cognitive success is getting it right, i.e gaining knowledge of facts. Another dimension of cognitive success is using the right concept, i.e. framing a topic in the right way. This view, if correct, tasks inquirers with critically examining the concepts they are using and perhaps replacing those concepts with new and better ones. This task is often known as “conceptual engineering”.

The idea that conceptual engineering is an important task for inquirers in and outside philosophy has recently gained traction. Some philosophers think conceptual engineering is an important task for inquirers to pursue.  The conference is focused on foundational issues in connection with conceptual engineering. Topics to be addressed include the following:

  • What are the semantic mechanisms that underlie conceptual engineering?
  • What are concepts, and which role (if any) do they play in conceptual engineering?
  • How can a theory of conceptual engineering be integrated with large-scale semantic theories? 
  • Which precise changes does a language undergo when its speakers engineer concepts?
  • Is conceptual engineering something that speakers can ever purposefully bring about?
  • What is the relation between changing concepts and changing reality? 

The planned conference will focus especially on the semantic foundations of conceptual engineering and push towards a better understanding of the process.

The conference is organized collaboratively by members of NYU (Vera Flocke and David Chalmers) and members of the research project ConceptLab, located at the University of Oslo (Herman Cappelen and Andrew Peet).

The conference is funded by the New York Institute of Philosophy and ConceptLab.

To attend, please register by following this link no later than August 31, 2018.

Rethinking Pregnancy: Two Philosophical Perspectives with Suki Finn and Jennifer Scuro @ Martin E. Segal Theater
Dec 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Pregnancy is something that affects all of us: Many of us are, have been, or will be, pregnant; and each and every one of us is the result of a pregnancy. But there remain deep and important questions about pregnancy that are yet to be answered.

What is it to be pregnant?  How can we understand the complex relationship between the fetus and the mother?  What are the myths and assumptions that surround the phenomenon of pregnancy?  Should we challenge the medical and paternalistic interpretations of pregnancy?  Are our current dominant understandings of and cultural scripts about pregnancy harmful?  

Two philosophers discuss these issues regarding pregnancy through a phenomenological and metaphysical lens.

Suki Finn is a Doctor of Philosophy, working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Philosophy Department at the University of Southampton in the UK, on the ERC funded project ‘Better Understanding the Metaphysics of Pregnancy‘. Suki is currently embarking on a Visiting Research Scholarship at New York University to continue her work on the metaphysics of pregnancy, and she also researches in the areas of metametaphysics and the philosophy of logic. Suki’s research has been published in various academic journals, books, and the popular online magazine Aeon. Her publications can be viewed on Academia or PhilPeople. Suki is also on the Executive Committee for the Society for Women in Philosophy UK, and on the Council for the Royal Institute of Philosophy.

Jennifer Scuro, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the College of New Rochelle in New York and has been recently elected to the governing board of the Cultural Studies Association. She is the author of Addressing Ableism: Philosophical Questions via Disability Studies(Lexington Books, Oct 2017) and The Pregnancy ≠ Childbearing Project: A Phenomenology of Miscarriage, (Rowman & Littlefield International, Feb 2017) a (autobio)graphic novel and feminist phenomenological analysis of pregnant embodiment, miscarriage and the labor of grief. The original tracework art from her graphic novel on miscarriage has been exhibited in several cities with the award-winning arts organization, The ART of Infertility.

This event is co-sponsored by the Gotham Philosophical Society and the CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences.  Admission is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 6:30pm, in the Martin E. Segal Theater

CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue (at 34th Street) New York, New York 10016 (212) 817-7944