The Affability of the Normative, Todd May @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Sep 28 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Todd May is Class of 1941 Memorial Professor of the Humanities at Clemson University.  He is the author of fourteen books of philosophy, most recently A Fragile Life and A Significant Life, both from University of Chicago Press.


Ineffability is in the air these days, and has been for some time. In many areas of Continental philosophy, it is the very ethos in which thought is conducted. I argue that the realm of the normative, at least, is deeply linguistic. In contrast to the attempt of some thinkers to remove the normative from the conceptual or the linguistic, I try to show that it is central to normativity to have a linguistic reference, a reference rooted precisely in the sense of conceptual categories that so concern thinkers of the ineffable.

Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

Overturning the narrative: Maimon vs. Kant, Gideon Freudenthal @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Oct 5 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

In my talk, I wish to outline an alternative to a chapter in the history of modern philosophy, and present Kant’s tenets in the Critique of Pure Reason in the spirit of the Vienna Circle, the origin of analytic philosophy.

According to the traditional narrative, Kant overcame the limitations of British empiricism (Hume) and German rationalism (Leibniz) and with his “transcendental philosophy” raised philosophy to a new and superior level. Contemporary Leibnizian critics failed to appreciate the novelty of his approach. Although Kant complimented Salomon Maimon (1753-1800) for having best understood him among his critics, he saw no reason to accept Maimon’s criticism.

From the point of view of the Vienna Circle in the 1920-1930, the traditional narrative should be reversed. In the view of its members, there are no synthetic judgments a priori, and the Kantian project was therefore misconceived in principle. The “Kantian intermezzo”, as Neurath called it, should be skipped and philosophy should rather return to Hume and Leibniz. Exactly this was Maimon’s position. He characterized himself as a “rational dogmatist and empirical skeptic”, referring explicitly to Leibniz and Hume respectively.

I will present Maimon’s criticism of Kant’s synthetic judgments a priori and claim that it is valid. With this, questions concerning the progress of philosophy and its historiography will naturally rise.

Gideon Freudenthal is professor emeritus at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel-Aviv University.

He is the author (or co-author) of:

Atom and Individual in the Age of Newton (1986)

Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics (1991)

Classical Marxist Historiography of Science: The Hessen-Grossmann-Thesis (2009)

No Religion without Idolatry. Mendelssohn’s Jewish Enlightenment (2012)

Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

Sophie de Grouchy, The Tradition(s) of Two Liberties, and the Missing Mother(s) of Liberalism – Eric Schliesser @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Oct 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

In this paper I draw attention to Sophie de Grouchy’s 1798 distinction between negative and positive right, which, upon examination, prefigures the famous distinction between positive and negative liberty. I analyse her treatment, and I argue that she should be accorded a significant place in the discussions of the tradition(s) of reflection on the famous distinction.

First, I frame my discussion by revisiting Isaiah Berlin’s famous lecture and a recent editorial by Jason Stanley and Vesla Weaver; I note the presence of a paternal liberal tradition going back to Constant which gets invoked alongside the famous distinction between the two concepts of liberty. Insofar as a tradition can be conceived as a lineage or an offspring, it is striking that the matriarchs are absent from it.

Second, I discuss De Grouchy’s neo-Lockean analyses of justice and property rights, which form the context in which she introduces her distinction between positive and negative right. I illuminate her views by way of comparison with the writings of Rousseau and Adam Smith.

Third, I offer evidence and analysis of De Grouchy’s version of the distinction and show how it can be mapped onto the more famous distinction. Fourth, I close by arguing that if there is a liberal tradition worth reviving and extending, De Grouchy ought to have an honoured place in it.

Eric Schliesser (PhD, Philosophy, The University of Chicago 2002) is Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. He publishes widely on early modern philosophy (especially Spinoza and Hume) and science (including political economy, especially Newton and Smith), philosophy economics, the history of feminism, and so-called meta-philosophy.  He has just published Adam Smith: Systematic Philosopher and Public Thinker (OUP) and edited numerous volumes, including most recently Sympathy: A History of a Concept and Ten Neglected Classics of Philosophy (both with OUP).

Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.


“Intersectionality and Epistemic Privilege” Satya Mohanty @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Nov 2 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

This talk focuses on two concepts that are central to discussions of minority politics and social justice: intersectionality and the epistemic privilege of the oppressed. Both concepts are often misunderstood as leading to separatism and essentialism, but this paper shows why they should be seen instead as crucial components of an adequate social theory and a cogent theory of social identity, theories that can be the basis of a progressive politics of coalition and solidarity.

Satya P. Mohanty was born in Orissa, India, and was educated in India and the United States. His work in literary criticism and theory has focused on issues that are shaped by his bi-cultural background and his commitment to a vision of culture as “a field of moral inquiry” (on this view of culture, see chapter 7 of Literary Theory and the Claims of History). In the field of literary and cultural theory, Mohanty is best known for his “post-positivist realist” theory, a position that is simultaneously a critique of postmodernist theory and an elaboration of a radical alternative to it. Postpositivist realism draws on recent analytic philosophy and has major implications for such key theoretical questions as the nature of social identity, the value of objectivity as an epistemic goal, and the epistemic status of our moral and political values.  Mohanty’s theory of identity has been the subject of a major book published by the U of California Press, a collection of essays by literary scholars, intellectual historians, and philosophers that is titled Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism (edited by Paula Moya and Michael Hames-Garcia).

Mohanty has edited or coedited the following books: Colonialism, Modernity, Literature: A View From India; Identity Politics Reconsidered; The Future of Diversity; and the forthcoming China, India and Alternative Asian Modernities.  He is completing a book titled Thinking Across Cultures, to be published by Duke Univ Press.


Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

Kant on Freedom in Thought and Action, Patricia Kitcher @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Dec 14 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Kant tried to explain how free moral action was possible.  Unfortunately, he is often interpreted as explaining free choice of action in terms of the unexplained free choice of a Gesinnung by a faculty of choice. By avoiding this mistake, we can see him as offering an informative decomposition of the task of free or moral action.  Further, one of Kant’s reasons for thinking that morality could not be explained by science depended on his assumptions about then current science. Since we can now reject that view of science, it is now possible to give a plausible scientific account, and so metaphysics, for Kant’s plausible account of the necessary conditions for free or moral action.

Patricia Kitcher is Roberta and William Campbell Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University.  She is the author of two books on Kant’s conceptions of cognition and the self, Kant’s Transcendental Psychology (Oxford University Press, 1990) and Kant’s Thinker (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

Making Our Thoughts Clear: The Role of Language in the Pursuit of Self-Knowledge – Eli Alshanetsky (Stanford) @ Orozco Room, A712
Feb 26 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

We often make our thoughts clear to ourselves in the process of putting them into words. In this lecture I introduce a new puzzle about this process—one that’s reminiscent of the famous paradox about inquiry in Plato’s Meno. The puzzle is that, on the one hand, coming to know what we’re thinking seems to require finding words that would express our thought; yet, on the other hand, finding such words seems to require already knowing what we’re thinking.

I consider and reject two possible solutions to this puzzle. The first solution denies that language contributes to our knowledge of our thoughts. The second solution denies that we have a fully formed thought that we try to articulate in the first place. The failure of these solutions points to a positive account of the role of language in the pursuit of self-knowledge, on which language mediates between two different “formats” or modes of thought. Among the broader implications of this account is a richer conception of the aims and methods of philosophy.

The Social Responsibility of Intellectuals Conference @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Mar 3 all-day

Many academics work on issues of social justice, and in this politically tumultuous moment, we want to ask: What is our social responsibility as academics? What does it mean to assume this responsibility?

In response to the untimely suspension of all Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature programs at Stony Brook University, the final graduate conference (co-sponsored by Minorities and Philosophy, NSSR) will be an interdisciplinary event where we aim to confront the limitations of our position as academics and conceive possibilities for moving beyond those limitations.


9:45–10:15     Participant Registration/ Coffee & Bagels

10:15–10:30   Opening Remarks

10:30–12:00   Panel 1: Humanities & Political Insight

10:30–11:00  Amy Cook (Associate Professor of Theatre Arts and English, Stony Brook University): “Disciplinary Futures and the Political Impact of Counter Casting”

11:00–11:30  Jack Wilson (PhD Student History, UCLA): “The View from the Waste Land: Poetry as Anti-Totalitarian Critique in Postwar Japan and Beyond”

11:30–12:00   Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (LLD Student Université de Sherbrooke, Visiting Research Fellow Fordham School of Law): “Human Rights and the Trap of Speaking for Others: Law in Literature as a Better Source of Resistance Discourse?”

12:00–1:30   Lunch Break

1:30–2:30     Panel 2: Institutional Critique

1:30–2:00      Jonathan Rawski (PhD Student Linguistics, Stony Brook University): “Pirates and Emperors: On Publishers, Journalists, and Academic Elites”

2:00–2:30      Forrest Deacon (PhD Student, Politics, The New School for Social Research): “Foucault’s Clinic and the Academy: Systems of Truth, Intelligibility, and Repetition”

2:30–2:45      Coffee Break (light refreshments)

2:45–3:45      Panel 3: The Praxis of Academics

2:45–3:15     Andrew Dobbyn (PhD Student Philosophy, Stony Brook): “Praxis Makes Perfect: Why Politics Isn’t like Riding a Bike”

3:15–3:45    Laura Pérez (Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, Cornell University Society for the Humanities): “The Objects of Philosophical Inquiry as Public Entities”

3:45–4:00    Coffee Break (light refreshments)

4:00–5:00    Keynote: Professor Patrice Nganang (Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, Visiting Professor Princeton University): Title TBA

5:00–5:15    Closing Remarks

5:15–6:30    Reception (wine and refreshments)

Presented by The New School for Social Research.

On Bridges and Walls: Towards a Philosophy Without/Beyond Borders @ NSSR Philosophy Dept.
Apr 6 – Apr 7 all-day

The New School for Social Research Graduate Student Conference in Philosophy

Discourse concerning the role of bridges and walls has become commonplace in our contemporary political scene. Xenophobic, racist, and nationalistic calls for the building of walls are opposed by calls to construct bridges by those seeking to form coalitions of solidarity and resistance. An example of this is given by the way in which colonialism/imperialism has repeatedly used ‘bridges’ as Trojan horses of sorts, by means of which distances were lessened and inequality worsened. Thus, this conference wishes to explore the normative consequences of the ubiquitous discourse of epistemic and geographic stratification by interrogating the way in which this metaphor is used—implicitly and explicitly—within philosophy, to the extent that the latter, as a frame of epistemological and experiential articulation, also builds its own bridges and walls.

It is with this in mind that at this year’s NSSR Graduate Student Philosophy conference we wish to provide a platform for a very particular kind of ‘philosophical investigation’ in which a vast range of approaches concerning the significance and use of spatial metaphors within philosophical debates could take place. Such an investigation of margins, bridges, walls, localization and beyond should be undertaken in a manner that makes room for ontological, ethical, epistemological, phenomenological, political and psychoanalytic discourses. To this end, we encourage full liberty and creativity with how this topic could be approached. This is because we conceive this investigation as an open, interdisciplinary kind of quest whose aim will be to rethink the way in which we conceive of boundaries, gaps, stages and common spaces for the purpose of interrogating the tensions underpinning our current political discourse, while also showing the ways in which these affect the way in which we conceive of Philosophy.

Possible Topics (This list is in no way exhaustive):

  • Walls and Bridges as Philosophical Metaphor
  • Migration and (In)Justice
  • Decolonial Theory and the Use of Walls/Bridges
  • The role of Bridges and Walls in the construction of Imagined communities
  • Walls/Bridges and Political Membership
  • Walls and Solidarity
  • Walls/Bridges and Globalization
  • Social Epistemology and Imagined Walls
  • Persuasion as an Epistemological Bridge
  • Political Topologies and the Role of Walls/Bridges
  • Privacy, Space and the Political
  • Walls/Bridges and Human Rights
  • Administrative Violence
  • Philosophical Topologies/Political Topologies
  • Space and Violence
  • Localized Violence
  • Violence in Bodies
  • Bridges/Walls and Cross-cultural Discourse
  • Digital divisions and Digital Connections
  • Technology and Changing Spatial Relations

Please submit complete papers by December 20th in the form of a Word attachment (.docx) to

Include your name, institution, and degree-program in the body of the message.


December 20th 2017

Word Limit: 3500

Alejandro Vigo on “Meaning and causality in Kant’s conception of action” @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Nov 15 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Kant’s conception of action cannot be understood in purely causal terms. The internal structure of action can only be explained in terms of a two-level meaning structure involving both a priori and empirical components.

Short bio:

Alejandro G. Vigo (Buenos Aires, 1958) is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra. Prof. Vigo earned his undergraduate degree in Philosophy (1984) from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Heidelberg (1993). He has been a fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET, Argentina), of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Between 1993 and 2006 he taught at the Universidad de los Andes and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has published over 120 articles in collective volumes and journals in Latin America, Europe and the United States, along with many books. In 2010 he won the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn) and in 2017 the International Philosophy Award “Antonio Jannone” (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome).

Matters of Love: A Conference @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Feb 22 all-day

9:15 – 9:30 Coffee & Opening Remarks

9:30 – 10:50 Anna Katsman: Freighted Love

11:00 – 12:20 Federica Gregoratto: Eros and Freedom Today

12:20 – 1:30 Lunch Break

1:30 – 2:50 Sara Macdonald: The Art of Friendship: Hegel and Plato

3:00 – 4:20 Gal Katz, “Love’s Rage Is Shame”: Hegel on Sex

4:20 – 4:45 Break

4:45 – 6.05 Paul Kottman: Love as Human Freedom


New York German Idealism Workshop

A joint undertaking of the philosophy departments of Columbia University & the New School for Social Research presents: