“Responsibility with a Buddhist Face” Daniel Breyer (Illinois State University) @ Columbia Religion Dept. rm 101
Nov 3 @ 5:30 pm

I’ve argued that the Indian Buddhist tradition, broadly construed, has tended to endorse a unique view of freedom and responsibility, a view I’ve called Buddhist Perspectivalism. According to this view, we should always regard ourselves as genuinely free and responsible agents, because we have good reason to do so, while we should never regard others in this way, because we have equally good reason to see them as neither free nor responsible. In this talk, I clarify Buddhist Perspectivalism as a theory of moral responsibility and defend it against some concerns that scholars like Christopher Gowans and Charles Goodman have raised.

With a response from:

Rick Repetti (Kingsborough Community College, CUNY)


Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy:

Oct. 6: Jake Davis (New York University)

Nov. 3: Daniel Breyer (Illinois State University)

Dec. 8: Nico Silins (Cornell University) and Susanna Siegel (Harvard University)

The genealogy of Western values, a critical look – Jesse Prinz (CUNY) @ North Academic Center 0/201, CCNY
Nov 16 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Nietzsche argued that some of our most deeply cherished values can be exposed as deeply problematic when we look into their history. He was writing in 19th century Germany and focusing on “Christian values.” But what about the values that are most enshrined in contemporary “liberal” societies like our own? Most Americans, for example, would say they value freedom, equality, democracy, human rights, and empathy. Would these cherished values emerge unscathed if we looked at them through a historical lens? Perhaps not. This talk aims to show that our core values emerged through historical events that are not entirely noble, and they continue to be applied in ways that reflect their troubling past.

The Peripatetic Program in Categorical Logic: Leibniz on Propositional Terms – Marko Malink, Anubav Vasudevan @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 3209
Nov 27 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm

Greek antiquity saw the development of two competing systems of logic: Aristotle’s categorical syllogistic and Stoic propositional logic. Some Ancient logicians took propositional logic to be prior to categorical logic on the grounds that Aristotle’s syllogistic presupposes modes of propositional reasoning such as reductio ad absurdum. By contrast, Peripatetic logicians sought to establish the priority of categorical over propositional logic by reducing various modes of propositional reasoning to categorical syllogisms. In the 17th century, this Peripatetic program was championed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. In the Specimina calculi rationalis, Leibniz develops a theory of propositional terms which allows him to derive the rule of reductio ad absurdum in a purely categorical calculus in which every proposition is of the form A is B. We reconstruct Leibniz’s categorical calculus and show that it suffices to establish not only reductio but all the laws of classical propositional logic. Moreover, we show that the propositional logic generated by the non-monotonic variant of this categorical calculus is a natural system of relevance logic known as RMI.

Marko Malink (New York University) & Anubav Vasudevan (University of Chicago)

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop Fall 2017:

September 11 Lovett, NYU

September 18 Skiles, NYU

September 25 Jago, Nottingham

October 2 Greenstein, Private Scholar

October 9 GC Closed. No meeting

October 16 Ripley UConn

October 23 Mares, Wellington

October 30 Woods, Bristol

November 6 Hamkins, GC

November 13 Silva, Alagoas

November 20 Yi, Toronto

November 27 Malink, NYU

December 4 Kivatinos, GC

‘You Only Live Once: The Philosophical Case’ Nick Riggle (San Diego) @ Faculty Delegate Assembly room, Hunter West
Dec 1 @ 4:30 pm

People feel on occasion that life should be embraced in a certain way. You only live once, carpe diem, #YOLO: we commonly associate the thought of our limited lives with the thought that we should take adventures, risks, or break with our routines and norms. But how, if at all, does the thought that you only live once motivate adventurous, risky, or unusual behavior? After all, having only one life seems to equally well motivate the exact opposite of adventure and risk. I consider several ways of supporting the thought that life should be embraced. All are found wanting, except one.

Being Awesome, Getting Stoked: A Conversation with Nick Riggle and Aaron James @ McNally Jackson Books
Dec 2 @ 7:00 pm

Join us for an evening of accessible philosophical thought and erudite fun. Former pro skater and USD philosophy professor Nick Riggle’s debut title, On Being Awesome: A Unified Theory of How Not to Suck draws on pop culture, politics, history, and sports to to illuminate the ethics and culture of awesomeness and pinpoint its origins in America. Philosopher Aaron James (UC Irvine), a longtime globetrotting surfer and author of the bestselling Assholes: A Theory, returns with Surfing with Sartre: An Aquatic Inquiry Into a Life of Meaning, using the experience and the ethos of surfing to explore key concepts in philosophy. Join Nick and Aaron in conversation followed by a reception and book signing.

Philosophy – Wisdom or Technique? @ Setauket Neighborhood House
Jan 3 @ 7:30 pm

‘Philosophy begins in wonder. And at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains. There have been added, however, some grasp of the immensity of things, some purification of emotion by understanding. Yet there is a danger in such reflections. An immediate good is apt to be thought of in a degenerate form of a passive enjoyment. Existence (life) is activity ever merging into the future. The aim of philosophical understanding is the aim of piercing the blindness of activity in respect to its transcendent functions.’ (A.N. Whitehead, Modes of Thought, Capricorn Books, New York, 1938, 232).

Please read Anthony O’Hear work titled Philosophy – Wisdom or Technique? starting on page 351. Please click here.

Please remember to bring $3 for the Setauket Neighborhood House.

Mathematical Truth is Historically Contingent – Chris Scambler (NYU) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 3309
Mar 26 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm

In this talk I will defend a view according to which certain mathematical facts depend counterfactually on certain historical facts. Specifically, I will sketch an alternative possible history for us in which (I claim) the proposition ordinarily expressed by the English sentence “there is a universal set” is true, despite its falsity in the actual world.

Logic & Metaphysics Workshop

Feb 26 Martin Pleitz, Muenster
Mar 5 Vera Flocke, NYU
Mar 12 Roy Sorensen, WUSTL
Mar 19 Alex Citkin, Private Researcher
Mar 26 Chris Scambler, NYU
Apr 9 Greg Restall, Melbourne
Apr 16 Daniel Nolan, Notre Dame
Apr 23 Mel Fitting, CUNY
Apr 30 Sungil Han, Seoul National
May 7 Andreas Ditter, NYU
May14 Rohit Parikh

A Roundtable on The Concept of History @ New School, rm E206
Apr 28 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

It has been common in modernity to think of history as singular and universal, progressively moving forward to a particular end. Although few contemporary philosophers and historians maintain the view that there is strict universality and teleology in history, according to Professor Dmitri Nikulin in his most recent work, The Concept of History (Bloomsbury, 2017), the remnants of these positions still affect our understanding of history. In the account he gives, which he traces back to antiquity, Nikulin interrogates what we mean when we talk of history and the philosophical problems we get into by conceiving of it in certain ways. If we jettison the idea of an objective universal end to history, are we left in a morass of relativism? Can we embrace a view of history as an amalgam of genealogies and geographies while still doing justice to constituents of our accounts of history that seem to be historically invariant?

On Saturday, April 28th from 3:00-5:00pm, the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal will host a roundtable discussion of Professor Nikulin’s latest book and the philosophy of history, more generally. Professor Nikulin (who is currently serving as Chair of the Philosophy Department, NSSR) will be joined for the roundtable discussion by Jeffrey Bernstein (Professor of Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross), and Massimiliano Tomba (Professor of History of Consciousness, University of California, Santa Cruz, and former Visiting Professor at the Department of Philosophy, NSSR).

Please join us for the roundtable event, which will take place in Room E206, 25 East 13th St. (“The Glass Corner”) on Saturday, April 28th, from 3:00pm-5:00pm. A reception with drinks and light refreshments will follow. During the reception, the GFPJ will also be selling recent books from their stacks along with copies of its most recent issue (38:2), which includes papers from the Hilary Putnam memorial conference held at The New School in 2016.

The Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal is a professional biannual journal of the history of philosophy with a distinguished tradition of publishing high-quality scholarly work. In our more than 45 years’ existence, we have published original essays by, among others, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur, Judith Butler, Robert Pippin, Giorgio Agamben, Alphonso Lingis, and Julia Kristeva.

NYU Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy: Philosophy’s Use of Its History @ Kimmel Center, Room 914
Nov 9 – Nov 10 all-day

Fourteenth Annual NYU Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy

17th/18th Century Philosophy
19th Century Philosophy
20th Century Philosophy

November 9, 2018 – November 10, 2018
Department of Philosophy, New York University

60 Washington Square South
New York 10012
United States

The Extended Self: Autonomy and Technology in the Age of Distributed Cognition, Ethan Hallerman (Stony Brook) @ Brooklyn Public Library
Feb 6 @ 7:30 pm

In Philosophy in the Library, philosophers from around the world tackle the big questions. In February, we hear from Ethan Hallerman.

None of us today can avoid reflecting on the way our thoughts and habits relate to the tools we use, but interest in how technologies reshape us is both older and broader than contemporary concerns around privacy, distraction, addiction, and isolation. For the past hundred years, scholars have investigated the historical role of everyday technologies in making new forms of experience and senses of selfhood possible, from at least as early as the invention of writing. In recent years, philosophers have considered how our understanding of agency and mental states should be revised in light of the role that the technical environment plays in our basic activities. Here, we will look at how some models of the mind illuminate the results of the philosophy of technology to clarify the relationship between technology and the self.

Ethan Hallerman is a doctoral student in philosophy at Stony Brook University. He lives in New York where he prowls the sewers at night, looking for his father.

Blog of Noah Greenstein