The Persisting Enigma: Reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra Today @ Nietzsche Circle
Apr 14 @ 6:00 pm

Lawrence J. Hatab

Krista Johansson

David Kilpatrick

Yunus Tuncel

This is an RSVP only event and participants will be informed about the location prior to the event. Please RSVP by April 1st either with Luke Trusso at trussol@nietzschecircle.com or Yunus Tuncel at tuncely@nietzschecircle.com.

Burning Issues in African Philosophy @ Heyman Common Room
Apr 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Burning Issues in African Philosophy is curated by Drucilla Cornell and Souleymane Bachir Diagne and presented by the Insitute of African Studies at Columbia University. It includes six seminars with Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Michael Monahan, Nkiru Nzegwu, Olufemi Taiwo, Nadia Yala Kisukidi, and Lewis Gordon.
September 28, 2016 – 7:00pmApril 19, 2017 – 9:00pm
Heyman Common Room

Free and open to the public  |  ID required

Burning Issues in African Philosophy builds off of the sophisticated work that has now become part of an international conversation on how African philosophy makes unique interventions into almost every important question of politics, ethics, aesthetics, ontology and epistemology. Indeed, the very definition of these fundamental philosophical conceptions is both challenged and enriched. In this way, African philosophy is not only crucial in understanding what constitutes its uniqueness but also in providing us with new and innovative ways to think about some of the most burning issues of our time as far reaching as what is the meaning of being human to how we can effectively challenge climate change. The aim of this seminar then is not simply to bring some of the most important African philosophers to participate so that their work can be known, but perhaps more importantly that they can bring African philosophy into the political and ethical debates about what it might mean to have a more just future. The series begins by challenging the conventional Afro-pessimistic view of time as being unable to organize a future perspective that would allow for adequate industrialization and development. If time is what happens inseparable from events, this does not mean that there is no future in African philosophy. What it means is that there is no future that can be foreclosed or known in advance and thus possibilities for the future remain open. It is therefore up to our actions to bring about the future that we want.

All Seminars are held on Wednesday evening (7-9PM) in the Heyman Common Room.

Wednesday September 28, 2016, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Presenter: Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Columbia University

Discussant: Drucilla Cornell, Rutgers University

Location: Heyman Common Room


Wednesday November 2, 2016, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Presenter: Michael Monahan, Marquette University

Discussant: Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Columbia University and Drucilla Cornell, Rutgers University

Location: Heyman Common Room


Wednesday January 25, 2017, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Presenter: Nkiru Nzegwu, SUNY-Binghampton

Discussant: Doug Ficek, University of New Haven

Location: 208 Knox Hall


Wednesday February 22, 2017, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Presenter: Olufemi Taiwo, Cornell University

Discussant: Jane Gordon, University of Connecticut-Storrs

Location: Heyman Common Room


Wednesday March 8, 2017, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Presenter: Nadia Yala Kisukidi, Univeriste Paris 8

Discussant: Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Columbia University

Location: 208 Knox Hall


Wednesday April 19, 2017, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Presenter: Lewis Gordon, University of Connecticut-Storrs

Discussants: Max Hantel, Dartmouth College and Hamid Dabashi, Columbia University

Location: Heyman Common Room


This series is made possible by financial support from the Provost Office and Arts & Sciences at Columbia University and the Partnership University Fund (PUF) of the French American Cultural Exchange (FACE). The venue for this series is provided by the Heyman Center for Humanities. 

Without Music, Life Would be a Mistake: Friedrich Nietzsche as Composer and Philosopher @ Karahan's Loft
Nov 3 @ 6:00 pm

Nietzsche Circle Presents: An Evening with Music and Philosophy


  • Michael Teinmann
  • Yunus Tuncel


  • Aysegul Durakoglu

RSVP required!

Refreshments will be served. If you like to attend, Please RSVP by sending email to Luke Trusso at trussol@nietzschecircle.com

Nietzsche & Transhumanism @ Stevens Institute of Technology, Carnegie 316
Nov 16 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Is Transhumanism a Dangerous Idea?

Book Launch Discussion

Moderated by Gregory Morgan


Babette Babich

Francesca Ferrando

Michael Steinmann

Yunus Tuncel

The genealogy of Western values, a critical look – Jesse Prinz (CUNY) @ North Academic Center 0/201, CCNY
Nov 16 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Nietzsche argued that some of our most deeply cherished values can be exposed as deeply problematic when we look into their history. He was writing in 19th century Germany and focusing on “Christian values.” But what about the values that are most enshrined in contemporary “liberal” societies like our own? Most Americans, for example, would say they value freedom, equality, democracy, human rights, and empathy. Would these cherished values emerge unscathed if we looked at them through a historical lens? Perhaps not. This talk aims to show that our core values emerged through historical events that are not entirely noble, and they continue to be applied in ways that reflect their troubling past.

A Lawyer, A Poet, and A Philosopher Walk into a Bar… @ Le Chélie NYC
Dec 4 @ 8:00 pm

There is only a perspectival seeing, only a perspectival ‘knowing’; and the more affects we allow to speak about a matter, the more eyes, different eyes, we know how to bring to bear on one and the same matter, that much more complete will our ‘concept’ of this matter, our ‘objectivity’ be.

Thus wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, and we at the Gotham Philosophical Society agree. We believe that to make sense of something, we need to see it from as many sides as possible.

That is why we are launching a new discussion series with the aim of contributing to the pursuit of New York’s objectivity. We will be taking on all manner of ideas, issues, and topics of significance to New Yorkers, and approaching them from legal, artistic, and philosophical perspectives. We believe that a philosophical understanding cut-off from our legal reality is irrelevant, and that laws uninspired by our poetic imagination are without soul.

With Dr. Joseph S. Biehl (Gotham Philosophical Society), Jane LeCroy, Shahabuddeen Ally

So please join us as we kick-off this series with a look at the concept of truth, the concept that is central to human discourse. What is truth? How can we know it? And what can it mean to say, as so many have, that we are now living in a ‘post-truth’ world?  We’ll ask these questions and more, Monday, December 4, 2017, at Le Chélie NYC at 8pm.

Beyond Time, Not Before Time: Affirming the Beginningless Reality of Conceptual Differentiation in Indian Philosophy- Catherine Prueitt (George Mason) @ Columbia Religion Dept. rm 101
Feb 9 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

The Pratyabhijñā Śaiva tradition, as first systematized by Utpaladeva (10th century) and elaborated by Abhinavagupta (10th-11th century), follows a number of other classical Indian philosophical traditions in 1) fully acknowledging that Buddhist Vijñānavādins claim to account for the diversity manifest in the conventional world through an appeal to beginningless karmic imprints; and 2) utterly rejecting that this solution avoids circularity. To sum up the Śaiva critique: a Vijñānavādin cannot avoid the question of what causes the diversity of experiences in the conventional world by appealing to beginningless causal processes because these processes themselves require the existence of some kind of real stuff that has the capacity to manifest in diverse forms. These Śaivas hone their argument in relation to a Dharmakīrtian view of ultimate consciousness as utterly beyond causal relations—a view that Dharmakīrti (7th century) uses to brush aside any questions about the real relationship between conventional and ultimate reality as incoherent. These Śaivas argue that the question of how the variegation of a specific moment of awareness arises if no part of this variegation­—including the variegation of the causes that produce it—is inherent to what is ultimately real is philosophically salient. Moreover, this question cannot be addressed simply by an appeal to beginningless ignorance. While an appeal to beginningless karmic imprints is perfectly sufficient to account for the differences between various karmic streams within the conventional world, it is not sufficient to account for the mere fact that there is differentiated stuff capable of entering into causal relations. The Pratyabhijñā Śaivas offer a complex and distinctive solution to this problem: while they affirm that ultimate reality is beginningless in the sense that it is beyond time, they also claim that time itself has a “beginning” in the expression of the nondual differentiation inherent to the ultimate itself. They further link the expression of time with the creation of the subject/object pairs that define conventional worlds—and use Dharmakīrti’s own apoha (exclusion) theory of concept formation to explain how this happens.



Catherine Prueitt (George Mason University)

With a response from:

Andrew Nicholson (Stony Brook University, SUNY)

Please save the following dates for our upcoming talks:

March 30: Kin Cheung (Moravian College)

April 13: Lara Braitstein (McGill University)

May 11: David Cummiskey (Bates College)

Nietzsche + Visual Art @ Karahan's Loft
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Discussion with Seth Binsted, Michael Steinmann, and Yunus Tuncel. If you like to attend, Please RSVP by sending email to Luke Trusso at trussol@nietzschecircle.com

Nietzsche on “the Triumph of Scientific Method over Science” Babette Babich (Fordham) @ Flom Auditorium Walsh Library
Sep 11 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Babette Babich (Fordham University)

Nietzsche on “the Triumph of Scientific Method over Science”

Flom Auditorium
Walsh Family Library
Rose Hill Campus

Curved Spacetimes: Where Friedrich Nietzsche Meets Virginia Woolf @ The Tank, 1st flr.
Mar 17 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Professor Barbara Gail Montero is the director of (and a performer in) the upcoming multimedia, interdisciplinary event Curved Spacetimes: Where Friedrich Nietzsche Meets Virginia Woolf. Prof. Nickolas Pappas will also perform (reading spoken word as Friedrich Nietzsche), and Prof. Jonathan Gilmore is a member of the team that brought the project to fruition.

According to the American Society for Aesthetics (who partially funded this project with a $7,000 grant), Curved Spacetimes is “multisensory event focused on the Physics, Aesthetics, and Metaphysics of Time. . . .[T]he evening will commence with a Nietzsche-Woolf-curved-spacetime-inspired reception that will allow you to test your knowledge of our central figures. Following the reception, you will experience Nietzsche, Woolf and curved spacetime coming to life on the stage (through dance, live music and the spoken word), and then listen to a panel discussion that will take you more deeply into the ideas guiding the performance.”

When: Sunday, March 17, 2019: 6-9 pm

Where: The Tank, 312 W. 36th St. 1st floor, New York  City.

Schedule of Events

  • 6 PM: Pre-performance catered reception—pass the Woolf/Nietzsche pre-test for a free drink!
  • 7 PM: Performance
  • 8 PM: Panel discussion on the physics, aesthetics, and metaphysics of time

Choreography: Logos Dance Collective (Barbara Gail Montero, Theresa Duhon, Patra Jongjitirat, and Gregory Kollarus)

Performers: Elise Crull, Theresa Duhon, Maxine Flasher-Duzgunes, Patra Jongjitirat, Gregory Kollarus, Barbara Gail Montero, and Nickolas Pappas

Music: Selections from Bach’s Cello Suites, performed live by cellist Ivan Luza

Text: excerpts from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Gay Science, Mrs. Dalloway, and The Diary of Virginia Woolf

Panelists for the after-performance discussion:

  • Jeff Friedman, Associate Professor of Dance Rutgers University
  • Kathleen Higgins, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
  • Timothy Maudlin, Professor of Philosophy, New York University
  • Heather Whitney, JD, Harvard Law School & PhD Candidate, New York University

Moderator: Rebecca Ariel Porte, Writer and member of the Core Faculty at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research.

Free tickets for students in philosophy, literature, dance and physics are supported by the ASA grant and are available from bmontero@gc.cuny.edu

For all others, tickets are on sale now on-line at The Tank

Project Team:

  • Barbara Gail Montero (Project Director), Professor of Philosophy, CUNY and Founder and member of the Logos Dance Collective
  • Jonathan Gilmore, Professor of Philosophy, CUNY
  • Maxine Flasher-Duzgunes, BFA student in Dance at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and member of the Logos Dance Collective
  • Cliff Mak, Assistant Professor of English, Queens College, CUNY