When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom, Mario Hubert (Columbia) @ CUNY Grad Center, 5307
Nov 28 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

We show that in the Maxwell–Lorentz theory of classical electrodynamics most initial values for fields and particles lead to an ill-defined dynamics, as they exhibit singularities or discontinuities along light-cones. This phenomenon suggests that the Maxwell equations and the Lorentz force law ought rather to be read as a system of delay differential equations, that is, differential equations that relate a function and its derivatives at different times. This mathematical reformulation, however, leads to physical and philosophical consequences for the ontological status of the electromagnetic field. In particular, fields cannot be taken as independent degrees of freedom, which suggests that one should not add them to the ontology.

(joint work with Vera Hartenstein)

There will be dinner after the talk. If you are interested, please send an email with “Dinner” in the heading to (please note that all are welcome, but only the speaker’s dinner will be covered). If you have any other questions, please email

MAPS is supported by Rutgers, Columbia, NYU, and most recently, a generous gift from member Dan Pinkel.

Cognitive Science Speaker Series @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7102
Nov 30 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
September 21:  Andreas Keller
Neurogenetics and Behavior, The Rockefeller University
“The Structure of Olfactory Appearance”


September 28 Cristina Borgoni
Philosophy, University of Bayreuth
“Persons, First-Person Authority, and Self-Knowledge”


October 5 Antonia Peacocke
Philosophy and the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness
New York University
“Content Plurality in Mental Action”


October 12 Çağlan Çinar Dilek
Philosophy, Central European University and
Visiting Scholar, CUNY Graduate Center
“On the Nature of Representational Relation in the
Higher-Order Thought Theory:  Extrinsicality,
Directness and Transitivity”


October 19 Chad Kidd
Philosophy, City College of New York, CUNY
“Transparency and Cognitive Phenomenology”


October 26 Kathryn Pendoley
Cognitive Science and Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center
Title TBA


November 2 Umrao Sethi
Philosophy, Lehman College, CUNY
“Sensible Over-Determination”


November 9 Stephen Andrew Spencer
Music, CUNY Graduate Center
“Graphical Representations of Timbre Similarity:
Problems and Prospects”


November 16 Rachel Denison
Psychology and the Center for Neural Science,
New York University
“The Dynamics of Temporal Attention”

November 23No talk—Thanksgiving

November 30: Joseph Bendaña
Cognitive Science and Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center
Title TBA
How (Not) to Think About Identity, Kwame Anthony Appiah @ Brooklyn Public Library
Dec 4 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

info soon

Rethinking Pregnancy: Two Philosophical Perspectives with Suki Finn and Jennifer Scuro @ Martin E. Segal Theater
Dec 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Pregnancy is something that affects all of us: Many of us are, have been, or will be, pregnant; and each and every one of us is the result of a pregnancy. But there remain deep and important questions about pregnancy that are yet to be answered.

What is it to be pregnant?  How can we understand the complex relationship between the fetus and the mother?  What are the myths and assumptions that surround the phenomenon of pregnancy?  Should we challenge the medical and paternalistic interpretations of pregnancy?  Are our current dominant understandings of and cultural scripts about pregnancy harmful?  

Two philosophers discuss these issues regarding pregnancy through a phenomenological and metaphysical lens.

Suki Finn is a Doctor of Philosophy, working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Philosophy Department at the University of Southampton in the UK, on the ERC funded project ‘Better Understanding the Metaphysics of Pregnancy‘. Suki is currently embarking on a Visiting Research Scholarship at New York University to continue her work on the metaphysics of pregnancy, and she also researches in the areas of metametaphysics and the philosophy of logic. Suki’s research has been published in various academic journals, books, and the popular online magazine Aeon. Her publications can be viewed on Academia or PhilPeople. Suki is also on the Executive Committee for the Society for Women in Philosophy UK, and on the Council for the Royal Institute of Philosophy.

Jennifer Scuro, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the College of New Rochelle in New York and has been recently elected to the governing board of the Cultural Studies Association. She is the author of Addressing Ableism: Philosophical Questions via Disability Studies(Lexington Books, Oct 2017) and The Pregnancy ≠ Childbearing Project: A Phenomenology of Miscarriage, (Rowman & Littlefield International, Feb 2017) a (autobio)graphic novel and feminist phenomenological analysis of pregnant embodiment, miscarriage and the labor of grief. The original tracework art from her graphic novel on miscarriage has been exhibited in several cities with the award-winning arts organization, The ART of Infertility.

This event is co-sponsored by the Gotham Philosophical Society and the CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences.  Admission is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 6:30pm, in the Martin E. Segal Theater

CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue (at 34th Street) New York, New York 10016 (212) 817-7944

Gauge theory and boundaries: A complicated relationship, Henrique Gomes (Perimeter) @ Columbia University, Pupin Hall 705
Jan 28 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

I argue that we do not understand gauge theory as well as we think we do, when boundaries are present. I will briefly explain the conceptual and technical issues that arise at the boundary. I will then propose a tentative resolution, which requires us to think of theories not in space-time, but in field-space.

RESCHEDULED: The variety of scientism and the limits of science, Massimo Pigliucci (CUNY) @ CUNY Grad Center, 5307
Feb 5 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Massimo Pigliucci’s talk has been rescheduled, for personal reasons outside of his control. It will be rescheduled for a later date: here.

Science is by far the most powerful approach to the investigation of the natural world ever devised. Still, it has limits, and there are many areas and questions where the scientific approach is ill suited, or at best provides only pertinent information rather than full answers. The denial of this modest attitude about science is called scientism, which declares science to be the only form of human knowledge and understanding, attempting to subsume everything else, including all the humanistic disciplines, into “science” very broadly (mis-)construed. In this talk, I argue that this is a mistake, and that it moreover has the potential to undermine public trust in science itself.

Presented by Metro Area Philosophers of Science

The variety of scientism and the limits of science, Massimo Pigliucci (CUNY) @ NYU, rm 110
Feb 26 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Science is by far the most powerful approach to the investigation of the natural world ever devised. Still, it has limits, and there are many areas and questions where the scientific approach is ill suited, or at best provides only pertinent information rather than full answers. The denial of this modest attitude about science is called scientism, which declares science to be the only form of human knowledge and understanding, attempting to subsume everything else, including all the humanistic disciplines, into “science” very broadly (mis-)construed. In this talk, I argue that this is a mistake, and that it moreover has the potential to undermine public trust in science itself.

There will be dinner after the talk. If you are interested, please send an email with “Dinner” in the heading to (please note that all are welcome, but only the speaker’s dinner will be covered). If you have any other questions, please email

Upcoming Metro Area Philosophers Talks


Dustin Lazarovici (UNIL)
4:30-6:30pm Tuesday March 5, NYU 60 Fifth Avenue, room 110.

Title: TBD.
Abstract: TBD.


Elizabeth Miller (Yale)
4:30-6:30pm Date, location TBD. (sometime in April)

Title: TBD.
Abstract: TBD.


Nina Emery (Holyoke)
4:30-6:30pm Date, location TBD. (sometime in April)

Title: TBD.
Abstract: TBD.


Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)
4:30-6:30pm Thursday April 18; CUNY Graduate Center (365 5th Ave, NYC), room 5307.

Title: TBD.
Abstract: TBD.


Typicality of Worlds and the Metaphysics of Laws. Dustin Lazarovici (UNIL) @ NYU, room 110
Mar 5 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

What are laws of nature? The predominant view in contemporary philosophy of science is the Humean `best system account’ which holds that the laws of nature are merely descriptive, an efficient summary of contingent regularities that we find in the world. Using the concept of typicality, I will spell out a common anti-Humean intuition into a precise argument: A typical Humean world wouldn’t have any law-like regularities to begin with. Thus (I will argue), Humean metaphysics do not fit the objective order that we find in our universe.

There will be dinner after the talk. If you are interested, please send an email with `Dinner’ in the heading to (please note that all are welcome, but only the speaker’s dinner will be covered). If you have any other questions, please email

I, holobiont. Are you and your microbes a community or a single entity? – Derek Skillings @ Dweck Center, Brooklyn Public Library
Mar 7 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

When we’re asked to give examples of philosophical questions, we’re likely to think of questions that are very, very old. Is the physical world all there is? How should I live? How do we know what we know? But some philosophical problems are quite new, made possible or urgent by new developments in science and culture. These are often the most exciting problems to think through.

On March 7th at 7:30 PM, Derek Skillings joins Brooklyn Public Philosophers to share his work on the philosophical consequences of the fact that we are holobionts – biological units composed of hosts and their associated swarms of microorganisms. If you’re interested in health, the problem of personal identity, the philosophy of biology in general, or the philosophical consequences of the fact that we’re made up of a bunch of little things which are themselves alive in particular, you’ll want to check this one out. Here’s the abstract:

“I, holobiont. Are you and your microbes a community or a single entity?”

You are a holobiont – a biological unit made up of a host and its associated microbiome (bacteria, protists, viruses and other microscopic entities). What consequences does this have for how we understand ourselves and other similar organisms? What are our spatial and temporal boundaries, and what does it mean to be a healthy holobiont? In this talk I will look at some alternatives for making sense of both holobiont individuality and “healthy holobiont/microbiome” talk. I will argue that existing accounts of human health are not appropriate for microbiomes, and that notions of ecosystem health face similar shortcomings. I will end by looking at some possibilities for understanding overall host health given the importance and ubiquity of microbiomes.

As usual, we meet at the Dweck Center at the Grand Army Plaza branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Here’s the Facebook event! Tell everyone, please!

Roger T. Ames 安樂哲 on “Deweyan and Confucian Ethics: A Challenge to the Ideology of Individualism” @ Wolff Conference Room, NSSR, D1103
Mar 15 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

John Dewey, in his resistance to foundational individualism, declares that individual autonomy so conceived is a fiction; for Dewey, it is association that is a fact. In his own language: “There is no sense in asking how individuals come to be associated. They exist and operate in association.” In a way that resonates with Confucian role ethics, the revolutionary Dewey particularizes the fact of associated living and valorizes it by developing a vision of the habitude of unique, defused, relationally-constituted human beings. That is, he develops a distinctive, if not idiosyncratic language of habits and “individuality” to describe the various modalities of association that enable human beings to add value to their activities and to transform mere relations into a communicating community.

In Confucian role ethics, Dewey’s contention that association is a fact is restated in a different vocabulary by appealing to specific roles rather than unique habitudes for stipulating the specific forms that association takes within lives lived in family and community—that is, the various roles we live as sons and teachers, grandmothers and neighbors. For Confucianism, not only are these roles descriptive of our associations, they are also prescriptive in the sense that roles in family and community are themselves normative, guiding us in the direction of appropriate conduct. Whereas for both Confucianism and Dewey, mere association is a given, flourishing families and communities are what we are able to make of our facticity as the highest human achievement.