Ethical Issues in Nursing @ Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Davis Auditorium, Hess Center
Oct 2 all-day

Since 1986 Icahn School of Medicine has co-sponsored an annual series of day-long conferences, Issues in Medical Ethics. These conferences attract a broad audience of 150-200 participants including physicians, medical students, nurses and other health care providers, scientists, lawyers, academics, and graduate students. Speakers have come from medicine, philosophy, government, and law.

Each year’s conference focuses on a timely issue. Topics have included medical professionalism, organ transplantation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, money and access to health care. The proceedings of many of these conferences have appeared in special issues of The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine. In February 2014, the conference topic was “Data Science and Digital Medicine.”

If would like to have your name added to our mailing list, contact Karen Smalls at 212-241-6602, fax 212-241-5028, or e-mail: karen.smalls@mssm.edu.

Jennifer Ware – Unjust Kidding @ Brooklyn Public Library InfoCommons Lab
Nov 3 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

“I don’t know where the line is. … In most religions you’re taught that you’re not going to be judged by your actions; you’re going to be judged by your intent. … So if your intent is to gay-bash, yes, you are a gay-basher. Even when you don’t do it. If your intent is to not, then it’s not.

Now, it can still be offensive, but once you explain that to the person that made the mistake, you can pretty much be sure they will go back on that and try to rectify hurting you. Does this make sense?”

– Chris Rock on Fresh Air, 12/8/14

On Tuesday, November 3rd, Jennifer Ware (CUNY Graduate Center) comes to Brooklyn Public Philosophers to answer Chris Rock’s question. (The answer is no.) She’ll talk about stereotypes, slurs, and the psychological and social mechanisms through which jokes can hurt.

Here’s a bit more about the talk in Ware’s own words:

Unjust Kidding: The Insufficiency of Good Intentions

Careful analysis of humor is important because of the amnesty often granted to humorous speech acts.  When someone tells a joke, they seemingly separate themselves from that which they express, and consequently we typically do not hold individuals to the same standards when they are apparently telling a joke. George Carlin, a comic famous for his off-color humor, made the following observation,

“Stand-up is a socially acceptable form of aggression. You get to name the targets, you get to fire the bullets… and the wonderful part is, after you’ve finished, you then say, ‘Hey, can’t you take a joke? This is humor, sir! What’s the matter with you?”

Individuals intending to express a vicious position without having to take full responsibility for their words may use this greater forgiveness divisively, and therefore we should be careful about granting such amnesty.

In this presentation, I will review some of the more common formal and colloquial accounts that aim to explain why and when jokes are offensive. I will go on to develop a position informed by empirical evidence that challenges the view that facts about the speaker largely, if not entirely, determine the moral character of a joke. Instead, I suggest the effects of jokes play a significant role in determining their moral characters.

Tell your friends/students/strangers! Bring someone who knows lots of jokes! See you there, I hope!

Long Island Philosophical Society Spring 2016 Conference @ Department of Philosophy, Molloy College
Apr 9 all-day



The Long Island Philosophical Society is seeking submissions for its Spring 2016 conference to be held Saturday April 9th 2016 on the attractive main campus of Molloy College, located in Rockville Centre, Nassau County.

The Long Island Philosophical Society has been a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas since 1964. LIPS is an internationally recognized organization that is a valuable philosophical resource for the Greater New York area.  Its conferences have drawn scholars from over 30 states and from the international community, including Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Israel, and Egypt.

Papers can be on any topic of philosophical interest.  Presentations are limited to 25-30 minutes, to be followed by a 10-15 minute discussion period. Both professional philosophers (full-time, part-time, unaffiliated) and graduate students are welcome to submit.  Paper submissions are also welcome from those in different disciplines who have an interest in philosophical issues.

The submission deadline is Friday, March 4, 2016.

Please submit papers, including contact information and affiliation (if any) to Dr. Leslie Aarons at philosophy@lipsociety.org and/or Dr. Glenn Statile at StatileG@stjohns.edu

Theorizing the Web 2015 @ Museum of the Moving Image
Apr 15 – Apr 16 all-day

Theorizing the Web 2015
April 15–16 in New York City
Venue: the Museum of the Moving Image, in Queens

Abstract submission deadline: 11:59 pm (EST), January 24, 2016

Theorizing the Web is an annual event featuring critical, conceptual discussions about technology and society. We began in 2011 to advance a different kind of conversation about the Web, one which recognizes that to theorize technology is also to theorize the self and the social world. Given that technology is inseparable from society, the ideas and approaches that have historically been used to describe social reality must not be abandoned. Instead, these historical approaches must be applied, reworked, and reassessed in light of the developing digitization of social life.

We are now seeking presentations for our sixth annual event, which will take place on April 15 and 16 at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City. We invite submissions that engage with issues of social power, inequality, vulnerability, and justice from a diverse range of perspectives. Theorizing the Web is not an event just for academics or “tech” thinkers: activists, journalists, technologists, writers, artists, and folks who don’t identify as any of the above are all encouraged to submit a presentation abstract.

We are looking for abstracts that feature clear conceptual arguments and that avoid jargon in favor of more broadly accessible critical insight. Submissions on any topic are welcome, but some specific topics we’d like to address this year include:

  • moving images, gifs, video, live streaming, copcams
  • social photography, filters, selfies, posing
  • race, racism, race posturing, ethnicity, #BlackLivesMatter
  • sex, gender, feminism, queer and trans* politics
  • sexuality, sexting, sex work, consent
  • mental health, illness, neurodiversity
  • (dis)ability and ableism
  • non-Western Web(s), language barriers, hegemony, globalization
  • social movements, protest, revolution, social control, censorship
  • hate, harassment, intimidation, trolling, bullying, resistance
  • pain, sickness, loss, death and dying
  • parenting, birth, life course
  • bodies, cyborgs, wearables, trans/post-humanism, bots
  • the self, identity, subjectivity, (in)authenticity, impression management
  • privacy, publicity, surveillance
  • encryption, anonymity, pseudonymity
  • presence, proximity, face-to-face, (dis)connection, loneliness
  • capitalism, Silicon Valley, venture capital
  • crowd funding, micro currencies, crypto currencies, blockchains
  • work, labor, “gig” or “sharing” economy, “Uber for”, exploitation
  • transportation, self-driving cars, drones, cities
  • code, affordances, infrastructure, critical design
  • knowledge, “big” data, data science, algorithms, positivism
  • memes, virality, metrics, (micro-)celebrity, fame, attention, click-baiting
  • underground markets, child porn, revenge porn, the extra-legal web
  • fiction, literature, visual narratives, storytelling, self-publishing, fandoms
  • time, (a)temporality, ephemerality, history, memory, right to forget
  • games, gaming, gamification, free-to-play, fantasy sports, gambling
  • elections, campaigns, presidential politics

Successful abstracts will address intersections of gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, disability, and other forms of inequality as they pertain to any of the topics above.

Abstract submissions should be 300 to 500 words (only the first 500 words will be reviewed). Arguments should be scaled to fit 12-minute panel presentations, and titles should appeal to a general audience. Your submission should not only describe your topic and question but also summarize your thinking and your conclusions. Good abstracts will provide a specific, original argument with clear stakes. Please do not ask questions in your abstract without answering them, or state “I will make an argument about X” without making the argument.

Note that, because Theorizing the Web deeply values public engagement, we expect all TtW16 presentations to be both comprehensible and rewarding to people from outside the presenter’s specific areas of expertise.

Abstract submissions are due by 11:59 EST on January 24, 2016, and can be submitted through our form located at theorizingtheweb.org/submit. The TtW16 selection committee will blindly review all submissions. Space is limited, and selection is competitive. Our acceptance rate is typically 20% to 35%.

Please note that we have a separate submissions process for art and alternative-format presentations. If you would like to participate in some way that isn’t giving a spoken presentation (e.g., displaying a piece of art; giving a performance; doing something else entirely), please use this separate submission form.

Registration for Theorizing the Web remains “pay what you can,” and we ask that you donate whatever amount you deem fair or can afford (minimum $1). More information (including the registration form) can be found at theorizingtheweb.tumblr.com/2016/registration.

Stay tuned to theorizingtheweb.org for announcements about invited panels, and mail us at theorizingtheweb@gmail.com if you would like to help out with our all-volunteer event in any way.

The conference hashtag is #TtW16.


North American Association for Comunity Inquiry (NAACI) Conference @ University Hall, 7th Floor
Jun 17 – Jun 20 all-day

The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) will host the 12th biennial conference of the North American Association for Community of Inquiry (NAACI) Friday evening, June 17, through Monday afternoon, June 20, 2016 on the campus of Montclair State University.  The University is located in Montclair, New Jersey, 15 miles from New York City.  Information about registration, travel, and accommodations will follow.


Rather than specify a particular guiding theme, the IAPC is calling for abstract proposals for papers, posters and panel presentations from a broad range of themes and approaches.  One of the concluding conference sessions will be devoted to reflecting on themes that emerged at the conference and organizing the accepted papers for submission to one or more journals or book publishers.  However, proposals should articulate a clear sense of how the presenters understand “community of inquiry,” which is a term that is used across several disciplines and in venues including, but not limited to the Socratic philosophical conversation circle developed by Matthew Lipman and Ann Sharp in the Philosophy for Children program.  As such, we are particularly interested in papers that explore the following themes, although our list is by no means exhaustive:

·      Genealogical inquiry into the philosophical and historical origins, development and educational application of community of inquiry (CI) theory and practice

·      Theoretical history of community of philosophical inquiry (CPI) as developed in the Philosophy for Children program (P4C), including the founders’ interactions with other theoretical traditions in education, e.g. Bruner, Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey, Peirce, Mead, Buchler

·      Varieties of philosophical dialogue: CPI programs across the existing spectrum. This may include live demonstrations of actual methodologies

·      CI and/or CPI across the disciplines:  math, science, history, the arts, etc.

·      CPI in non-academic settings, such as prisons, hospitals, asylums, churches/synagogues/temples/mosques, cafes and outdoor programs

·      The uses of CI and CPI in teacher education

·      Doing CPI in philosophy departments: interactions between CPI and traditional academic philosophical practice and pedagogy

·      Reports on research, accounts of classroom experience, presentation of videotaped instances of CI or CPI

Abstracts should be approximately 750 words in length and should address all of the following that apply:

·      Objectives or purposes

·      Perspective(s) or theoretical framework

·      Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry

·      Data sources (for empirical studies) and/or bibliographical sources (for theoretical essays)

·      Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments

·      Scientific or scholarly significance of the study or work

·      Proposals for papers or panel discussions should indicate a preference for full conference audience or smaller group in a concurrent session (see below).

Please send abstracts by November 15, 2015 to: iapc@montclair.edu, for notification by December 1st.


In the tradition of NAACI conferences there will be no keynote addresses and authors will not read their papers, but summarize them and engage the audience in a community of inquiry about them. Full papers will be posted on the IAPC website one month prior to the conference.   As we anticipate a large group this year, we ask people submitting abstracts for papers or panel discussions to indicate if they prefer presenting to the full conference audience (which diminishes the opportunity for real CI), or to present to a smaller group in a concurrent session. Joint papers are encouraged. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference, with time given on the program for 5-minute introductions.

The 2nd Speculative Ethics Forum @ Philosophy Dept., St. John's
Nov 19 all-day

The Speculative Ethics Forum is a one day workshop-style event in which we’ll consider the most challenging matters of ethics. Ethical approaches of all sorts are welcomed–analytic, continental, ancient, medieval, Asian, and so on. Most papers are invited. However, there are two slots open for submissions. Any paper in ethical theory will be considered for acceptance. Bold and speculative inquiries are preferred to papers that primarily defend ground already gained or papers that are primarily scholarly. Our aim, in short, is to have a single day concentrated on expanding the horizons of ethics.

The Speculative Ethics Forum takes place on Saturday, November 19th at our Manhattan campus.

Keynote Speaker: Samuel Scheffler (NYU)

Confirmed Speakers:

John Drummond (Fordham)

Jonathan Jacobs (John Jay College)

There are two slots open to ethicists to submit papers, drafts, or extensive, detailed outlines for discussion. In order to have your work considered, email it to the address given below by October 16. The preferred formats for submission are pdf and Word.
Registration for this event is free. Registration is required to access the papers that will be discussed. Please register at the email address below.

Any questions about the event should be sent to the email address below.

Conference organizer: David Kaspar

email: speculative.ethics.forum@gmail.com

Long Island Philosophical Society Conference @ Philosophy Dept., St. John's U
Apr 1 all-day

The Long Island Philosophical Society is seeking submissions for its Spring 2017 conference that will be held Saturday April 1st, 2017 on the Jamaica, Queens NY campus of Saint John’s University.

The Long Island Philosophical Society has been a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas since 1964. LIPS is an internationally recognized organization that is a valuable philosophical resource for the Greater New York area. Its conferences have drawn scholars from over 30 states and from the international community, including Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Israel, and the Ukraine.

Papers can be on any topic of philosophical interest. Presentations are limited to 25-30 minutes.

CFP DEADLINE March 3, 2017. Please submit papers, including contact information and affiliation (if any) to either Dr. Leslie Aarons at philosophy@lipsociety.org or to Dr. Glenn Statile at StatileG@stjohns.edu.

Long Island Philosophical Society Conference @ Malloy College Philosophy Dept.
Apr 14 all-day



The Long Island Philosophical Society is seeking submissions for its Spring 2018 conference that will be held on Saturday, April 14th, 2018 on the Rockville Centre campus of Molloy College.

The Long Island Philosophical Society has been a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas since 1964. LIPS is an internationally recognized organization that is a valuable philosophical resource for the Greater New York area. Its conferences have drawn scholars from over 30 states and from the international community, including Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Israel, and the Ukraine.

Papers can be on any topic of philosophical interest. Presentations are limited to 25-30 minutes, to be followed by a 10-15 minute discussion period. Both professional philosophers (full-time, part-time, unaffiliated) and graduate students are welcome to submit. Paper submissions are also welcome from those in different disciplines who have an interest in philosophical issues.

The submission deadline is Friday, March 9th, 2018.

Please submit papers, including contact information and affiliation (if any) to Dr. Glenn Statile at StatileG@stjohns.edu or Dr. Leslie Aarons at laarons@lipsociety.org.

Supporting material


NJ Philosophy Students Symposium @ Philosophy Dept. Middlesex College
Apr 19 all-day

The symposium is thought as a moment of reflection/celebration of philosophy and its sister disciplines. Faculty, and Alumni from the community colleges located in NJ are invited to actively participate.

Proposal in all relevant areas of Philosophy are welcomed.

Please Submit your proposal (Pdf or Doc) before February 18th.

Submitters will be notified by March 1st.

Send your submissions to grotolo@middlesexcc.edu

Submission Guidlines:
Submissions can be of two kind:

Free Submission

Submissions are accepted in any area of Philosophy and should be between 1000 and 3000 words. The Submitter will be expected to present for 20 minutes (10 min actual presentation + 10 minutes for discussion).

Panel Submission

Submission are accepted for the Following pre-created panel:

1. Discovering Philosophy (the following and similar topics will be taken in consideration for this Panel: Why do I study philosophy? Examples of interesting philosophical questions/themes that attracted me to philosophy

Submissions should be between 500 and 2000 words. The submitted will be allotted 15 Minutes to present + another 15 Minutes to interact with the other members of the panel and the Audience.

Please notice that the space on this panels is limited, therefore among the accepted submissions we will rigorously follow a first come first serve method.

APA 2019 Eastern Division Meeting @ Sheraton New York Times Square
Jan 7 – Jan 10 all-day

Tentative Schedule PDF, with all the philosophies. Fair warning: it’s 122 139 pages long.

Registration is $50 more after 20 December.

 2019 Meeting Registration Rates

Early Bird On-Site
  printed program       APA app   printed program     APA app
 Student Member
 $40 $35  $90  $85
 APA Member  $125 $120  $175  $170
 Non-Member  $240 $235  $290 $285