Liz Camp: Why Metaphors Make Good Insults @ Brooklyn Public Library, Info Commons Lab
Apr 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Kicking it all off will be Liz Camp (Rutgers University), who will be speaking on Monday 1/26 about why metaphors make good insults. Here’s a bit more about Dr. Camp’s talk, in her own words:

“Why Metaphors Make Good Insults”

Metaphors are powerful communicative tools because they ‘frame’ their subjects in certain ways. These effects are especially palpable when the metaphor is an insult that denigrates the hearer or someone she cares about. In such cases, comprehending the metaphor can produce a kind of complicity, one that cannot be undone just by denying the speaker’s claim. Where some theorists take this to show that metaphors accomplish something different in kind from ordinary talk, I argue that metaphorical insults are so rhetorically powerful because they combine three distinct features, each of which is independently common in communication.  This result is not just theoretically interesting; it also helps to suggest more effective techniques for hearers to fight back.

As usual, we meet at 7:00 P.M. at the central branch of the Brooklyn Public Library in the Info Commons Lab. Hope to see you there!

Spring 2015 Schedule:

1/26 – Liz Camp

2/23 – Geoff Holtzman
(CUNY Graduate Center)

3/30 – Serene Khader
(Brooklyn College)

4/27 – Frank Kirkland
(Hunter College)

5/20 – Bruce Matthews
(Bard High School Early College)

Modern Cosmism Conference @ New York Society for Ethical Culture
Oct 10 all-day

Cosmism was originated in Russia more than a hundred years ago. That was an esoteric futuristic philosophy about post-humanity, technological immortality, resurrection and cosmic expansion. Early cosmists proposed the idea of decompaction (lightweighting) of the human body, that eventually wouldn’t need an atmosphere and would be powered directly by solar energy. They call it “radiant humanity” – a perfect society of highly moral and super-conscious beings merging and colonizing the whole Universe.

Modern Cosmism brings to the original doctrine the ontological foundation, a scientific structure and a deeper comprehension of possible technology aims to create in the future a new synthetic reality where the concepts of truth, consciousness, freedom and happiness will be deeply revised.

The conference will review the critical question about a meeting with advanced extraterrestrial  civilizations and suggest few hypothesis about their “eerie silence”. We will touch some related problems in cosmology, and astrophysics such as the shape and future of the Universe, black hole information paradox, multidimensional space, dark energy and interpretation of quantum mechanics. Are they a separate arrow of time? Are there exceptions to the principle of causality?

Like no other area of philosophy and technology before, Modern Cosmism raises fundamental questions about the post human nature and how it will be connected to the reality. Is the structure of reality included the consciousness? Is a non biological hardware can support the consciousness? How we can define Cosmic Evolution and what is the role of intelligent life?

The conference will address important philosophical issues that arise with the future design of artificial consciousness, mind uploading and cyber-immortality.  How will our concepts of subjectivity, perception, and morality change, if we will live in virtual reality of mega-consciousness environment where individuals can experience multiple presence, personality and have no gender. Will we be able to create super intelligent agents with consciousness and feelings? What are the limits of artificial capacities or functional simulations we should create?  Could we enhance our own humanity by genetically redesign our nature?

Our keynote and plenary speakers are well-known international protagonists of Cosmism, Transhumanism and interdisciplinary researchers.  Their lectures will discuss the most important current issues of Modern Cosmism from the point of view of philosophy,  technology, ethics, robotics, psychology, and anthropology.

Ben Goertzel Ph.D. is the author of “Cosmists Manifesto”. He is Chief Scientist of financial prediction firm Aidyia Holdings; Chairman of AI software company Novamente LLC, which is a privately held software company, and bioinformatics company Biomind LLC, which is a company that provides advanced AI for bioinformatic data analysis (especially microarray and SNP data); Chairman of the Artificial General Intelligence Society and the OpenCog Foundation; Vice Chairman of futurist nonprofit Humanity+; Scientific Advisor of biopharma firm Genescient Corp.; Advisor to the Singularity University; Research Professor in the Fujian Key Lab for Brain-Like Intelligent Systems at Xiamen University, China; and general Chair of the Artificial General Intelligence conference series.

Giulio Prisco is former senior manager in the European Space Agency, Prisco is a physicist and computer scientist. He served as a member on the board of directors of World Transhumanist Association, of which he was temporarily executive director, and continues to serve as a member on the board of directors of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and of the Associazione Italiana Transumanisti. He is also a founding member of the Order of Cosmic Engineers, and the Turing Church, fledgling organizations which claim that the benefits of a technological singularity, which would come from accelerating change, should or would be viable alternatives to the promises of major religious groups.

James J. Hughes Ph.D. served as the executive director of the World Transhumanist Association (which has since changed its name to Humanity+) from 2004 to 2006, and currently serves as the executive director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, which he founded with Nick Bostrom. He also produces the syndicated weekly public affairs radio talk show program Changesurfer Radio and contributed to the Cyborg Democracy blog. Hughes’ book Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human of the Future was published by Westview Press in November 2004

Jennifer Ware – Unjust Kidding @ Brooklyn Public Library InfoCommons Lab
Nov 3 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

“I don’t know where the line is. … In most religions you’re taught that you’re not going to be judged by your actions; you’re going to be judged by your intent. … So if your intent is to gay-bash, yes, you are a gay-basher. Even when you don’t do it. If your intent is to not, then it’s not.

Now, it can still be offensive, but once you explain that to the person that made the mistake, you can pretty much be sure they will go back on that and try to rectify hurting you. Does this make sense?”

– Chris Rock on Fresh Air, 12/8/14

On Tuesday, November 3rd, Jennifer Ware (CUNY Graduate Center) comes to Brooklyn Public Philosophers to answer Chris Rock’s question. (The answer is no.) She’ll talk about stereotypes, slurs, and the psychological and social mechanisms through which jokes can hurt.

Here’s a bit more about the talk in Ware’s own words:

Unjust Kidding: The Insufficiency of Good Intentions

Careful analysis of humor is important because of the amnesty often granted to humorous speech acts.  When someone tells a joke, they seemingly separate themselves from that which they express, and consequently we typically do not hold individuals to the same standards when they are apparently telling a joke. George Carlin, a comic famous for his off-color humor, made the following observation,

“Stand-up is a socially acceptable form of aggression. You get to name the targets, you get to fire the bullets… and the wonderful part is, after you’ve finished, you then say, ‘Hey, can’t you take a joke? This is humor, sir! What’s the matter with you?”

Individuals intending to express a vicious position without having to take full responsibility for their words may use this greater forgiveness divisively, and therefore we should be careful about granting such amnesty.

In this presentation, I will review some of the more common formal and colloquial accounts that aim to explain why and when jokes are offensive. I will go on to develop a position informed by empirical evidence that challenges the view that facts about the speaker largely, if not entirely, determine the moral character of a joke. Instead, I suggest the effects of jokes play a significant role in determining their moral characters.

Tell your friends/students/strangers! Bring someone who knows lots of jokes! See you there, I hope!

BKPP – Rebecca Goldstein {plato in the modern world} @ Infocommons Lab, Brooklyn Public Library
Feb 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Rebecca Goldstein has written a zillion books of philosophy and philosophical fiction, including The Mind-Body Problem, Betraying Spinoza, and most recently Plato at the Googleplex. She is a recipient of a MacArthur “Genius” grant, for work that “describe[s] with wit, compassion and originality the interaction of mind and heart.” President Obama recently awarded her the National Humanities Medal “for bringing philosophy into conversation with culture.” And now, her greatest honor: on February 17th at 7:00 P.M., Rebecca Goldstein is coming to Brooklyn Public Philosophers.

Here’s the abstract:

“Why Did the Greeks Invent Philosophy?”

The philosopher Karl Jaspers pointed out that all the religious traditions that still survive originated in roughly the same period, 800 to 200 B.C.E., and that this was the period that also saw the birth of Greek philosophy, as well as Greek tragedy. From the Far East of China and India and Persia and westward all around the Mediterranean, including north to the Judean Hills and into Europe by way of the ancient Greeks, there was an explosion of normative thinking–thinking about how we ought to live our lives. The Greeks offered the only secular responses to the existential challenge, despite their culture’s saturation with religious ritual. And yet it would be a mistake to think of them as a society of philosophers; after all, they sentenced Socrates to death on the charge of impiety and corrupting the youth. What have we, in many ways so startlingly similar to the ancient Greeks, to learn from their responses to the question of what makes for a life worth living?

As usual, we meet at the central branch of the Brooklyn Public Library (10 Grand Army Plaza), in the Info Commons Lab.

Brooklyn Public Philosophers Spring Lineup:

1/27 – Armen Marsoobian
(Southern Connecticut State)
{genocide + reconciliation}

2/17 – Rebecca Goldstein
{plato in the modern world}

3/30 – Parviz Morewedge
(SUNY Old Westbury)
{intellectual islam}

4/27 – Lydia Goehr
{music in context}

5/18 – Ian Olasov
{moral talk in everyday life}