“The​ ​ Real​ ​ Difference​ ​ Between​ ​ Mental​ ​ Time​ ​ Travel​ ​ and​ ​ What-Where-When Memory” Simon Brown @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7113
Oct 20 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We meet roughly once every 2 weeks at 10.30-12.30 on Fridays in CUNY’s Graduate Center (Room 7113) to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

September 22nd – Sam Clarke (Oxford)

October 20 – Simon Brown (Columbia)

November 3rd – David Barack (Columbia)

December 1st – Andrew Lee (NYU)

Philosophy of Psychology Workshop @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7113
Nov 3 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We meet roughly once every 2 weeks at 10.30-12.30 on Fridays in CUNY’s Graduate Center (Room 7113) to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

September 22nd – Sam Clarke (Oxford)

Date TBA – Simon Brown (Columbia)

November 3rd – David Barack (Columbia)

December 1st – Andrew Lee (NYU)

The genealogy of Western values, a critical look – Jesse Prinz (CUNY) @ North Academic Center 0/201, CCNY
Nov 16 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Nietzsche argued that some of our most deeply cherished values can be exposed as deeply problematic when we look into their history. He was writing in 19th century Germany and focusing on “Christian values.” But what about the values that are most enshrined in contemporary “liberal” societies like our own? Most Americans, for example, would say they value freedom, equality, democracy, human rights, and empathy. Would these cherished values emerge unscathed if we looked at them through a historical lens? Perhaps not. This talk aims to show that our core values emerged through historical events that are not entirely noble, and they continue to be applied in ways that reflect their troubling past.

Philosophy of Psychology Workshop @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7113
Dec 1 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We meet roughly once every 2 weeks at 10.30-12.30 on Fridays in CUNY’s Graduate Center (Room 7113) to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

September 22nd – Sam Clarke (Oxford)

Date TBA – Simon Brown (Columbia)

November 3rd – David Barack (Columbia)

December 1st – Andrew Lee (NYU)

Perspectival Geometry and Spatial Perception – Louise Daoust (Penn/Eckerd) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7113
Dec 15 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Our final session of 2017 will be on Friday 15th of December, 10.30-12.30, in 7113 (The Philosophy Thesis Room) at the CUNY Graduate Center.

We will be discussing the attached paper by Louise Daoust (Penn/Eckerd) on Perspectival Geometry and Spatial Perception.
Hope to see you there.

Robert Long (NYU) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7-102
Feb 16 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We usually meet roughly once every 2 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members, but Spring 2018 we will be meeting less frequently. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

Nic Porot @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7-102
Mar 2 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We usually meet roughly once every 2 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members, but Spring 2018 we will be meeting less frequently. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

Simon Brown @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7-102
Apr 20 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We usually meet roughly once every 2 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members, but Spring 2018 we will be meeting less frequently. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

David Barack (Columbia) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7113
May 4 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

“Reasoning often involves searching for information relevant to answering some question or determining the truth value of some proposition. Starting from a set of propositions, akin to a patch of resources in the environment, reasoners draw inferences, akin to harvesting resources from that patch. Reasoners forage through the space of propositions to find potentially informative patches, each of which promises multiple paths of inferences. Once reasoning from a premise patch begins, reasoners follow a path of inferences relevant to the reasoner’s goal. While foraging along these inferential paths, information relevant to the question or proposition is gathered from the premises. By interpreting reasoning in terms of information intake, a novel model of reasoning can be built.”

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We usually meet roughly once every 2 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members, but Spring 2018 we will be meeting less frequently. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing poprocksworkshop@gmail.com or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

Temporal Discounting in Psychology and Philosophy: Four Proposals for Mutual Research Aid – Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 9205
Sep 20 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

SWIP-Analytic Fall 2018 Events

Thursday, September 20, 4:00pm-6:00pm
CUNY Graduate Center, Room 9205
Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame), “Temporal Discounting in Psychology and Philosophy: Four Proposals for Mutual Research Aid”

Thursday, October 18, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Location TBA
Amie Thomasson (Dartmouth), Title TBA

Thursday, November 8, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Location TBA
Jessica Wilson (Toronto), Title TBA

More details will be added as they become available. Click here to download the flyer as a PDF.