Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
Mar 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

21st Annual CUNY Graduate Philosophy Conference: Self and Other @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 9206
Mar 23 all-day

The 21st Annual CUNY Graduate Philosophy Conference will take place on March 23rd, 2018 at the CUNY Graduate Center (365 5th Avenue). This year’s theme is “Self and Other”, broadly construed. The program below features Dr. Akeel Bilgrami (Columbia) and Dr. Daniel Kolak (William Paterson University) as keynote speakers. Eight graduate students from departments across the U.S. and abroad will give 30-minute talks spanning a broad array of philosophical research areas.

Click the links to download PDFs of the the conference flyer and schedule of talks.

Time / Title / Speaker / Affiliation


9-9:30 AM / Embedded Love: What it Means for / Love to Structure Your Will / Hunter Gentry / University of Houston

9:30-10 AM / Animal Intimacy: Intra-Species connectivity and care in the Touch / Stephanie Mieko Struble / Western Connecticut State University

10-10:30 AM / BREAK

10:30-11AM / Foundations of Loyalty: Transcending Self and Other / Sara Pope / Fordham University

11-11:30 AM / Self as Other: On the Interpretation of Mirror Self-Recognition / Pengbo Liu / University of Massachusetts

11:30 AM -12:30 PM / LUNCH

12:30-1:30 PM / Keynote

Inquiry and Academic Freedom: Philosophical Reflections on Current Controversies on Campuses

Akeel Bilgrami

Columbia University

1:30-1:45 PM / BREAK

1:45-2:15 PM / Other Minds in Other Traditions: The Problem of Other Minds in Plantinga and Heidegger / Ben Koons / Oxford University, Oriel College

2:15-2:45 PM / The intrinsic epistemic value of primitive introspection / Anna Giustina / Institut Jean Nicod/Ecole Normale Supérieure/PSL Research University

2:45-3 PM / BREAK

3-3:30 PM / Who Do You Speak For? And How? The Management of Identities in Online Abuse / Michael Barnes / Georgetown University

3:30-4 PM / Hospitality and the Political Economy of Care / Lisa M. Madura / Vanderbilt University

4-4:30 PM / BREAK

4:30-5.30 PM / Keynote

Open Individualism: the Five Ways

Daniel Kolak

William Paterson University


Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
Apr 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

CUNY Undergraduate Philosophy Conference @ La Guardia Philosophy Dept.
Apr 20 all-day

This is a Call for Papers for the 8th Annual CUNY Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.  Submissions from any area of philosophy are welcome, but the primary author must be an undergraduate. Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length and should be suitable for 15–20 minute presentations. Electronic submissions should be in Word or PDF format and should ready for blind review.  In your submission email, please include your name, the title of your paper, your institutional affiliation, and your preferred email address for correspondence.

Please send your submissions to

Simon Brown @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7-102
Apr 20 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We usually meet roughly once every 2 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members, but Spring 2018 we will be meeting less frequently. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

David Barack (Columbia) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 7113
May 4 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

“Reasoning often involves searching for information relevant to answering some question or determining the truth value of some proposition. Starting from a set of propositions, akin to a patch of resources in the environment, reasoners draw inferences, akin to harvesting resources from that patch. Reasoners forage through the space of propositions to find potentially informative patches, each of which promises multiple paths of inferences. Once reasoning from a premise patch begins, reasoners follow a path of inferences relevant to the reasoner’s goal. While foraging along these inferential paths, information relevant to the question or proposition is gathered from the premises. By interpreting reasoning in terms of information intake, a novel model of reasoning can be built.”

PoPRocks (formerly known as ‘WoPoP’) is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers – typically grad students and postdocs – working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/… . We usually meet roughly once every 2 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members, but Spring 2018 we will be meeting less frequently. Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper. We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

Minorities and Philosophy Spring Workshop Series @ Various Locations around NYC
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapters of Columbia, The New School, Rutgers, CUNY, NYU, and Princeton invite submissions from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups for a workshop series (NY-MAPWorks) in spring 2018.

Dates: Jan 30th (NYU), Feb. 20th (New School), March 6th (CUNY), April 17th (Columbia), May 8th (NYU), 7-9:30pm.

Submission Guidelines:

To apply, please compete the following by December 15th, 2017:

  1. Send an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (.pdf or .doc), prepared for blind review, suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation to a general philosophical audience to
  2. Provide your contact information by completing this google form.

Applications will only be accepted from individuals from groups underrepresented in academic philosophy.

Accepted participants will be notified by January 14th. For further details, see our philpapers posting at

Temporal Discounting in Psychology and Philosophy: Four Proposals for Mutual Research Aid – Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 9205
Sep 20 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

SWIP-Analytic Fall 2018 Events

Thursday, September 20, 4:00pm-6:00pm
CUNY Graduate Center, Room 9205
Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame), “Temporal Discounting in Psychology and Philosophy: Four Proposals for Mutual Research Aid”

Thursday, October 18, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Location TBA
Amie Thomasson (Dartmouth), Title TBA

Thursday, November 8, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Location TBA
Jessica Wilson (Toronto), Title TBA

More details will be added as they become available. Click here to download the flyer as a PDF.

Intersubjectivity and Interpretation: CUNY Grad Conference 2019 @ CUNY Grad Center, rm tba
Apr 5 all-day

In ethics, in epistemology, in philosophy of mind and even (Searlean protestations notwithstanding) in ontology interest has steadily been growing in the idea that intersubjectivity is a central concept for understanding various aspects of our world. Similarly, the concept of interpretation has come to attention in a new light as a key means by which the interactions between subjectivities is mediated. This line of research raises a number of philosophical questions:

– What is intersubjectivity? Can it be given ‘a clear explanation’? In what relation does it stand to objectivity? In what relation does it stand to the first-person and second-person perspectives?

– What is interpretation? What is it to interpret another person’s behaviour as that of a genuine subject of experience? Is this notion of interpretation the same as that which we employ when speaking of interpreting language, rules, art, or data?

– Does intersubjectivity require interpretation? Must we rely on interpretive practices in order to make sense of others as subjects? If so, what implications might this have for the concept of intersubjectivity, and those practices and entities that might depend upon it?

– Does interpretation require intersubjectivity? Is there a sense of interpretation for which one cannot genuinely interpret something without taking it to be the result of intentional action on the part of a subject, produced for other subjects? And if so, what implications might that have for our understanding of interpretive practices?

– How do these questions connect with issues in areas of philosophy such as epistemology, aesthetics, phenomenology, philosophy of mind, social philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, political theory?

The keynote speaker will be Jay Garfield, who will deliver a talk on “The Second Person: Reflexivity and Reflection”.

We are pleased to invite abstracts sufficiently in the spirit of the project theme of no more than 1,000 words. Abstracts should:

– Outline the paper’s principal argument(s).

– Give a good sense of the paper’s philosophical contribution(s).

– Be anonymized.

The deadline for abstracts is January 19th, 2019. Abstracts should be e-mailed to Please include with your submission a cover page that includes your name, affiliated institution, contact information, and title of paper.

We will accept submissions from any area of philosophy, and from any philosophical tradition. We strongly encourage participants from groups whose voices are disproportionately excluded from philosophical discourse to submit abstracts.

Workshop on Emotions @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 5307
May 3 all-day

This workshop will provide a forum for researchers doing work on emotions and related states. The goal is to share new ideas and lines of inquiry, to develop new reflections, and to foster communication between those of us who are investigating emotions in the New York area, and beyond.

*** The event is free but registration is required for those attending on Saturday. To register, send an email with your name by May 2, to Sarah Arnaud: ***

Program (download printable flyer)

Friday, May 3


  • Introduction by Jesse Prinz


  • Sarah Arnaud
    “What are unconscious emotions?”

10:30-10:45: Break


  • Katherine Rickus
    “1st and 3rd person knowledge of emotions”


  • Hilla Jacobson
    “Pain and mere tastes”

12:15-1:45: Break – lunch


  • Kathryn Pendoley
    “Nagging Guilt, Tentative Fear: Uncertain Emotions and the Problem of Recalcitrance”


  • Alexandra Gustafson
    “Love Alters Not: A Study of Unrequited Love”

3:15-3:30: Break


  • Justin Leonard Clardy
    “A New Challenge for Romantic Love as Union”


  • Adam Lerner
    “Empathy is evidence”

5:00-6:00: Reception


Saturday, May 4


  • Federico Lauria
    “What does emotion teach us about self-deception?”

10:30-10:45: Break


  • Hyunseop Kim
    “Meaningfulness as Correct Fulfillment”


  • Sergio Gallegos
    “Emilio Uranga’s analysis of zozobra (anguish)”

12:15-1:45: Break – lunch


  • Xiaoyu Ke
    “Virtue Responsibilism, Epistemic Emotions, and Epistemic Situationism”


  • Michael Zhao
    “Guilt without perceived wrongdoing”

3:15-3:30: Break


  • Shawn Tinghao Wang
    “Moral agency account of shame” 


  • Daniel Shargel
    “Lol: What we can learn from forced laughter”

5:00-6:00: Reception