Angelica Nuzzo: Living in the Interregnum – Hegelian Reflections on a Time of Crisis. @ Wolff Conference Room, Albert and Vera List Academic Center, rm D1103
Oct 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Angelica Nuzzo, Professor of Philosophy at the Graduate Center and Brooklyn College, CUNY gives a lecture entitled:

“‘Living in the Interregnum’ – Hegelian Reflections on a Time of Crisis.”

This reading of the dialectic-speculative “method” of Hegel’s Logic offers the basis on which Professor Angelica Nuzzo reconstructs the structural meaning of the moment of “crisis” in historical and political processes.

Recommended reading:

Memory, History, Justice in Hegel


Ideal Embodiment. Kant’s Theory of Sensibility, Indiana, 2008

Hegel on Religion and Politics, SUNY Press, 2013 (ed.)


Sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research.

Hegel and the Problem of Bodily Expression, Julia Peters @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Sep 21 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Hegel returns to the theme of human bodily expression repeatedly throughout his writings. While his early Phenomenology of Spirit offers a scathing criticism of contemporary physiognomy and phrenology, his later works contain a more nuanced view of the expressive capacities of the human body. In his late philosophy of mind, Hegel is particularly concerned with the question of how mental states which involve complex intellectual and social capacities, such as moral emotions, come to be expressed in the human body. This talk takes Hegel’s discussion of human bodily expression in his late philosophy of mind as a prism through which to approach a central question raised by Hegel’s philosophy: the question of how, for Hegel, spirit and reason on the one hand relate to nature on the other hand. I suggest that Hegel’s account of human bodily expression shows in paradigmatic fashion how he attempts to find a theoretical space between dualism and naturalistic reductionism. Furthermore, I argue that there are reasons to believe that this attempt fails: ultimately, the phenomenon of human bodily expression therefore emerges as a problem for Hegel which puts into question his central philosophical ambitions.

JULIA PETERS is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Her research interests include Kant’s moral philosophy, German Idealist philosophy (especially Hegel), aesthetics and moral philosophy.

She is the author of Hegel on Beauty (2015); she has also published articles on Kant and Hegel in the European Journal of Philosophy, the British Journal for the History of Philosophy and the Journal of the History of Philosophy (among other periodicals).


Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

“Spinoza’s God and a Defense of Hegel’s Criticism: The Shapeless Abyss” James Kreines @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Nov 9 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Hegel famously charges that Spinoza’s monism involves an unacceptable elimination of all finitude and all determinacy, leaving Spinoza’s God a “shapeless abyss”. I argue that the criticism is not best understood as claiming that Spinoza specifically denies finitude and determinacy. Nor as uncharitably importing Hegel’s own view of determinacy as negation. The criticism rather rests on an interpretation of Spinoza as arguing from the principle that everything must be explicable. I defend Hegel’s interpretation, or the need of Spinoza’s case for monism for this principle. Hegel’s critical point is then that precisely this principle, used in just the ways required by the proof of monism, should also force Spinoza to eliminate all determinacy and finitude. I defend the criticism, and draw out some implications about Hegel’s own project.


James Kreines is Professor of Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College, in Claremont, California. He publishes work on Kant, Hegel, and German idealism, and the history of metaphysics, and metaphilosophy. His monograph on Hegel and his response to Kant—Reason in the World: Hegel’s Metaphysics and its Philosophical Appeal—was published in 2015 by Oxford University Press. Current projects include the relation between Kant, Hegel and Spinoza; the topic of biological teleology in Kant and Hegel, in comparison to previous views of the is topic and more recent debates; and Kant’s position on reason, critique, and things in themselves.


Presented by The New School for Social Research (NSSR) Philosophy Department.

“Forms of Life, Forms of Thought: Hegel and Wittgenstein” Terry Pinkard @ New School, rm D1009
Apr 6 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Please join the NY German Idealism Workshop for its next event on Thursday, April 6th, from 4:30 to 6:30pm at 6 East 16th St, room D1009. Terry Pinkard will present a paper entitled “Forms of Life, Forms of Thought: Hegel and Wittgenstein,” and New School’s Jay Bernstein will respond.

For anyone interested in reading the paper ahead of time, please send an e-mail to nygermanidealism@gmail.com

Robyn Marasco: Hegel’s Esotericism @ Columbia University Philosophy Dept. 716
Sep 28 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Robyn Marasco (Hunter College) will deliver a paper entitled “Hegel’s Esotericism,” and Jeremy M. Glick (Hunter College) will respond.

Alfredo Ferrarin “Hegel and the Actuality of Thinking” @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Oct 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Alfredo Ferrarin, professor of Philosophy at the University of Pisa on “Hegel and the Actuality of Thinking”.

A Dash of Hegel: A discussion with Slavoj Žižek, Rebecca Comay, and Frank Ruda @ Deutsches Haus
Oct 23 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Socratic Alternatives to Hegelian Political Thought in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, Dr. Matt Dinan @ Philosophy Dept, St. John's U. rm 212
Apr 16 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Søren Kierkegaard’s most famous work, Fear and Trembling, has the distinction of drawing near-universal derision from scholars of political theory and ethics. Dr. Dinan suggests that Kierkegaard’s readers haven’t accounted for his return to Socratic political philosophy as a direct riposte to the politics of G.W.F. Hegel and his successors. He considers the implications of Kierkegaard’s use of the ‘questionable stratagem’ of Socratic irony in relation to politics, ethics, Christian faith, and philosophy. Kierkegaard is concerned not with destroying political philosophy, but with restoring its attentiveness to paradox.

Dr. Matt Dinan, Assistant Professor, St. Thomas University