CUNY Pragmatics Workshop: Relevance, Games, & Communication @ CUNY Graduate Center, room 9207
Oct 14 – Oct 15 all-day

CUNY Pragmatics Workshop

Relevance, Games, and Communication


Tuesday, October 14 (Room 9207)

10:15    Coffee

10:30    Rohit Parikh (CUNY)  “Grice, Hoare and Nash: contributions to pragmatics from game theory and program semantics”

11:30    Peter Godfrey-Smith (CUNY)  “What do generalizations of the Lewis signaling model tell us about information and meaning?”

12:30    Lunch

1:30     Prashant Parikh (CUNY)  “Deriving illocutionary meaning”

2:30     Student Presentations:

Ignacio Ojea (Columbia)  “Credibility and the stability of what is conveyed”

Todd Stambaugh (CUNY)  “Implicatures, etchings, and coffee”

Cagil Tasdemir (CUNY)  “Influencing behavior by influencing beliefs”

3:30     Coffee

4:15     Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv/NYU)  “A Typology of Players”

5:30     Reception

7:00     Speakers’ dinner


Wednesday, October 15 (Room 9207)

9:15     Coffee

9:30     Daniel Harris (CUNY)   “Act-theoretic semantics for pragmatics”

10:30    Larry Horn (Yale)  “Trivial pursuits: on being orderly”

11:30    Stephen Neale (CUNY)  “All meaning is natural meaning?”

12:30    Lunch

1:30     Robyn Carston (UCL)  “Systematicity, optionality and relevance”

2:30     Student Presentations

Elmar Unnsteinsson (CUNY)  “The pragmatics of malapropisms”

Marilynn Johnson (CUNY)  “Why we implicate: revising Pinker’s game-theoretic proposal”

Jesse Rappaport (CUNY)  “Parsimony in linguistic theorizing: a double-edged razor”

3:30     Coffee

4:15     Keynote Talk & Philosophy Colloquium

Deirdre Wilson (UCL/Oslo)  “Explaining Metonymy”

6:00     Reception

7:30     Speakers’ dinner

The CUNY Pragmatics Workshop is funded by a CUNY Collaborative Incentive Research Grant (CIRG# 2033) with additional support from the Program in Philosophy and the John H Kornblith Fund.

Information and Communication Workshop @ CUNY Grad Center Room 5307
Feb 19 – Feb 20 all-day

All welcome. Everything will be in Science Studies Room 5307 at the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue. Organized by Peter Godfrey-Smith.

Thursday 19th
11.00: Randy Gallistel – TBA
12.15: Rosa Cao – “Modular Organization and the Appeal of Information”
1.30: Lunch (probably wander to Heartland, and/or something more distributed).
2.30: Charles Rathkopf – “Information and Objectivity”
3.45: Manolo Martinez – “Signaling Games and Modality”

Friday 20th
11.00: Gill Shen, “Sender-Receiver without Senders and Receivers”
12.15: Shawn Simpson, “Communication Between Groups and Collective Entities”
1.30: Lunch
2.30: Ron Planer, “Intragenomic Signaling in the Presence of Parent-of-Origin Information”
3.45: Jesse Rappaport, “Is Human Language a Signaling System? Lessons from Pragmatics.”