Causal Dispositionalism and Emptiness in Huayan Buddhism. Nicholaos Jones (The University of Alabama in Huntsville) @ Philosophy Hall 716
Sep 13 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

I relate an approach to causation from Huayan Buddhism to an emerging research program from analytic metaphysics. The research program is Causal Dispositionalism. The core commitment of Causal Dispositionalism is that causation involves dynamic causal powers. Causal Dispositionalism competes with Neo-Humeanism, a research program that conceptualizes causation as a relation among powerless, causally inert properties. Some scholars claim that approaches to causation from the Madhyamaka Buddhist tradition cohere with Neo-Humeanism. Some also claim that Huayan Buddhism is a Chinese appropriation of Nãgarjuna’s Madhyamaka. Taken together, these claims entail that the Huayan approach to causation also coheres with Neo- Humeanism. I suggest, to the contrary, that Huayan integrates Madhyamaka insights with a powers-based metaphysics and thereby better coheres with Causal Dispositionalism. I suggest, as well, that the Huayan approach affords new strategies for developing this emerging research program.

With responses from Jennifer R. McDonald (Columbia University)


IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NON-COLUMBIA GUESTS: All non-affiliated members of our community must RSVP to Helen Han Wei Luo ( ASAP in order to be granted access to campus, and preferably no later than Monday, September 9. Members who do not RSVP will not be given entry to the campus. Please also plan to arrive early. The door to Philosophy Hall will only open with a Columbia University ID card. If you do not have this card please arrive early where someone will be standing outside until the meeting begins. If you arrive late, you can ask someone walking nearby to let you in or contact Helen at the email above, but only as a final resource so as not to interrupt the talk.

September 13: Nicholaos Jones (University of Alabama, Huntsville)
October 18: Nicolas Bommarito (Simon Fraser University)
December 6: Daniel Stephens (University at Buffalo)

Details to follow.