Ask a Philosopher Booth @ Borough Hall Greenmarket
Sep 7 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

You should come to one of the three (3) Ask a Philosopher booths we have scheduled for the month of September!

Saturday 9/7, 10:00-2:00 @ the Borough Hall Greenmarket
Saturday 9/14, 11:00-3:00 @ the Market at the Brooklyn Museum
Saturday 9/21, 10:00-2:00 @ the McCarren Park Greenmarket

Ask a Philosopher Booth @ Market at the Brooklyn Museum
Sep 14 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

You should come to one of the three (3) Ask a Philosopher booths we have scheduled for the month of September!

Saturday 9/7, 10:00-2:00 @ the Borough Hall Greenmarket
Saturday 9/14, 11:00-3:00 @ the Market at the Brooklyn Museum
Saturday 9/21, 10:00-2:00 @ the McCarren Park Greenmarket

Ask a Philosopher Booth @ McCarren Park Greenmarket
Sep 21 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

You should come to one of the three (3) Ask a Philosopher booths we have scheduled for the month of September!

Saturday 9/7, 10:00-2:00 @ the Borough Hall Greenmarket
Saturday 9/14, 11:00-3:00 @ the Market at the Brooklyn Museum
Saturday 9/21, 10:00-2:00 @ the McCarren Park Greenmarket

The Riddle of Transformation and the Nature of Philosophical Truth. Gilad Nir (Leipzig) @ New School, rm D906
Oct 11 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Certain intellectual challenges can neither be resolved by the discovery of missing pieces of information nor by construction of better arguments. Yet what is called for in such cases is not mere persuasion, but a form of intellectual transformation. Wittgenstein sought to respond to the problems of philosophy along similar lines. And the need for the notion of intellectual transformation arises in other contexts, as well, including the context of moral progress, which Cora Diamond explores in her recent work. But various philosophical difficulties stand in the way of embracing the idea that transformation has any role to play when it comes to questions or truth and of value. In particular, it seems that we must either bracket the psychological, historical and anthropological perspectives that the notion of transformation opens up, or else succumb to some form of relativism. My aim in this paper is to show how Wittgenstein and Diamond chart a middle course between these two extremes

Positions in Patriarchy: Retooling the Metaphysics of Gender. Robin Dembroff (Yale) @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 5307
Oct 17 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Decades of feminist theory have approached the question ‘what is gender?’ with an eye to gender as a system — in particular, the system that creates and sustains patriarchy. Using this approach, feminists have proposed theories of gender focused on the social positions that persons occupy within a patriarchal system. However, these analyses almost uniformly assume a gender binary (men women), and so look for corresponding, binary social positions. In this talk, I defend the importance of position-based metaphysics of gender, but challenge the assumption that positions in patriarchy can be captured in a binary. Rather than throw out the baby with the bath water, I’ll propose an alternative position-based approach. It begins with modeling the key axes of the patriarchal ‘blueprint’, or the shared beliefs, norms, and attitudes at the core of dominant, western gender ideology. I’ll then build a framework for describing the variety of positions that persons can collectively occupy in relation to this blueprint. A central upshot is that metaphysics intended to illuminate and debunk gender as imagined within the western patriarchal system fails to sufficiently achieve this end when it presupposes the same binary framework. The categories men and women, I’ll argue, are not primarily descriptive, but rather, contested tools with the central function of reinforcing or revising social power.

Presented by SWIP-Analytic

Improvising Illocutions and Passionate Perlocutions: Why Sexual Scripts are Insufficient. Lisa McKeown @ New School, rm D906
Nov 8 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Recently, Rebecca Kukla – among others – has argued that consent language is too narrow to adequately capture the ethical obligations and failures arising in the context of sex. Instead, she offers more nuanced scripts for the kinds of communication that occur throughout sex, not just at the beginning. I agree with Kukla that consent language is too narrow; however, I argue that she overlooks the fact that intimate personal communication requires an emotional attunement to context precisely because it cannot be fully scripted. To demonstrate this I turn to Cavell’s category of the passionate utterance which gestures at this dynamic dimension of performatives, but doesn’t deliver a detailed account. In this paper I will expand on Cavell’s idea of the passionate exchange in order to shed light on the active interpretive role of the audience, and how it contributes to performative success.

Ask a Philosopher Booth @ Brooklyn Museum
Nov 16 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • This Saturday, November 16th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, we have an Ask a Philosopher booth at the Brooklyn Museum.
  • Next Saturday, November 23rd from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM or so, we’re doing the Ask a Philosopher thing at Same Same But Different: This Year’s Harvest, a concert/meditation/house party in Bed Stuy.
  • The last Philosophy in the Library talk of 2019 is coming up on December 4th at 7:00 PM! Sebastian Purcell is talking about “Good Habits Aren’t Enough: The Aztec Conception of Shared Agency!” If you’re into indigenous philosophy, the history of philosophy, virtue ethics, or collective action, you should enjoy it. More info soon!
Transnational Feminism. Serene Khader @ CUNY Grad Center, rm 9207
Nov 18 @ 6:15 pm – 8:00 pm

Presented by the Center for Global Ethics & Politics, The Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies

Serene Khader, Brooklyn College

Ask a Philosopher Booth @ SameSameButDifferent
Nov 23 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
  • This Saturday, November 16th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, we have an Ask a Philosopher booth at the Brooklyn Museum.
  • Next Saturday, November 23rd from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM or so, we’re doing the Ask a Philosopher thing at Same Same But Different: This Year’s Harvest, a concert/meditation/house party in Bed Stuy.
  • The last Philosophy in the Library talk of 2019 is coming up on December 4th at 7:00 PM! Sebastian Purcell is talking about “Good Habits Aren’t Enough: The Aztec Conception of Shared Agency!” If you’re into indigenous philosophy, the history of philosophy, virtue ethics, or collective action, you should enjoy it. More info soon!
The difficulty of Being between Cora Diamond and Martin Heidegger. Filippo Casati (Lehigh) @ New School 1101
Feb 28 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

NYC Wittgenstein presents:

Filippo Casati (Lehigh University) on  “The difficulty of Being between Cora Diamond and Martin Heidegger”
As usual, we will being serve refreshments. We look forward to seeing you there.