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2019 Association for Symbolic Logic North American Annual Meeting @ CUNY Grad Center
2019 Association for Symbolic Logic North American Annual Meeting @ CUNY Grad Center
May 20 all-day
Program Committee: Sam Buss, Johanna Franklin, Wesley Holliday (chair), Elaine Landry,Andrew Marks, and Joel Nagloo.Local Organizing Committee: Evangelia Antonakos (co-chair), Sergei Artemov, AlfredDolich, Shoshana Friedman (co-chair), Gunter Fuchs, and Joel Hamkins. Please see https://asl2019.commons.gc.cuny.edu http://aslonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Schedule19AnnMtg.pdf for additional information. All plenary and tutorial lectures will be held in Proshansky Auditorium, on the lower levelof the Graduate Center. All special session and contributed talks will be in the nearbyrooms C197, C198, and C201–C205. The welcoming reception will[...]
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4:15 pm The Perception of Time in Intuitionistic Arithmetic (Vincent Peluce) Logic & Metaphysics Workshop @ CUNY Grad Center, 7314
The Perception of Time in Intuitionistic Arithmetic (Vincent Peluce) Logic & Metaphysics Workshop @ CUNY Grad Center, 7314
May 20 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
In L.E.J. Brouwer’s first act of intuitionism, the subject’s perception of time is put forth as the foundation on which arithmetic will be built. According to Brouwer, proper intuitionistic arithmetic, as with the rest of intuitionistic mathematics, is not tied to any particular formal system. When we try to axiomatically approximate an intuitionistic arithmetical system, we are faced with the problem of incorporating the subject and their perception into the axiom system itself. We discuss some unsatisfactory responses[...]