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On Frege’s Assimilation of Sentences with Names, Dongwoo Kim (CUNY)
@ CUNY Grad Center, 6495
On Frege’s Assimilation of Sentences with Names, Dongwoo Kim (CUNY)
@ CUNY Grad Center, 6495
Mar 7 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
I shall discuss some of the issues concerning a notorious doctrine of Frege that sentences are names of truth-values. I am interested in a problem raised by Kripke that the doctrine obscures the distinction between judgeable and unjudgeable contents. I shall present what I take to be Frege’s account of judgeable content. A proper expression of a judgeable content, for Frege, is susceptible to an analysis into a predicate and an argument-word, where a predicate[...]
7:30 pm
I, holobiont. Are you and your microbes a community or a single entity? – Derek Skillings
@ Dweck Center, Brooklyn Public Library
I, holobiont. Are you and your microbes a community or a single entity? – Derek Skillings
@ Dweck Center, Brooklyn Public Library
Mar 7 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
When we’re asked to give examples of philosophical questions, we’re likely to think of questions that are very, very old. Is the physical world all there is? How should I live? How do we know what we know? But some philosophical problems are quite new, made possible or urgent by new developments in science and culture. These are often the most exciting problems to think through. On March 7th at 7:30 PM, Derek Skillings joins[...]