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4:00 pm Mind and Language Seminar @ NYU Philosophy Dept. rm 202
Mind and Language Seminar @ NYU Philosophy Dept. rm 202
Feb 20 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Our topic for Spring 2018 will be Formal Frameworks for Semantics and Pragmatics. We’ll be investigating a range of questions in semantics and/or pragmatics which involve or are relevant to the choice between different kinds of overall structure for theories in these areas. In most sessions, the members of the seminar will receive a week in advance, copies of recent work, or work in progress from a thinker at another university. After reading this work,[...]
4:10 pm Buddha versus Popper: Do we live in the present or do we plan for the future? Rohit Parikh (CUNY) @ Faculty House, Columbia U
Buddha versus Popper: Do we live in the present or do we plan for the future? Rohit Parikh (CUNY) @ Faculty House, Columbia U
Feb 22 @ 4:10 pm
There are two approaches to life. The first one, which we are identifying with Sir Karl Popper, is to think before we act and to let our hypotheses die in our stead when the overall outcome is likely to be negative. We act now for a better future, and we think now which action will bring the best future. Both decision theory and backward induction are technical versions of this train of thought.  The second[...]