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4:15 pm Deductive Systems with Unified Multiple-Conclusion Rules. Alex Citkin @ CUNY Grad Center, 7395
Deductive Systems with Unified Multiple-Conclusion Rules. Alex Citkin @ CUNY Grad Center, 7395
Mar 2 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Some people fight for the rights of animals, I am fighting for the rights of rejected propositions. Following the approach suggested by Brentano and accepted and developed by Lukasiewicz, I study the deductive systems that treat asserted and rejected propositions equally, in the same way. By “statement,” we understand the expressions of form +A – “A being asserted”, and -A$ – “A being rejected”, where A is a proposition. Accordingly, by a “unified logic,” we[...]
6:30 pm Philosophy of Language Workshop @ NYU Philosophy Dept. rm 302
Philosophy of Language Workshop @ NYU Philosophy Dept. rm 302
Mar 2 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
We’re a community of philosophers of language centered in New York City. We have a meeting each week at which a speaker presents a piece of their own work relating to the philosophy of language. Anyone with an interest in philosophy of language is welcome! 3 February Paul Pietroski (Rutgers) 10 February Brian Leahy (Harvard) 17 February No Workshop 24 February Elizabeth Coppock (Boston) 2 March Maria Biezma (UMass) 9 March Jenn McDonald (CUNY) 16 March[...]