Nagging Questions about Evolutionary Drift and Preferred Reference Systems

Usually when I think I’ve gotten something right I stop thinking about it. So it was irritating to start wondering if I had said enough about evolutionary drift. Oh well. Evolutionary drift is what we call it when a trait seemingly (and to the best of our knowledge, randomly) just ‘drifts’ into prominence. So can we tell what has happened due to natural selection and what is just drift? If we think that the trait […]

Biological Space (Biospace) Travel

Yesterday I was walking though Chinatown and as I usually do when I am over there I stop by the Buddhist Temple and buy a fortune (and by the way, I am soooo happy that Fall has finally come to NY) . Now the fortunes that you buy in the Buddhist Temple are not your fortune cookie fortunes: Buddhist Temple Fortunes are 4-5 lines long, usually rhyme, give a probability of success or failure, and […]

Unit of Biological Mass Name Suggestions?

Since I have argued for an independent standard of measure for fitness, similar to the standard block of platinum iridium that is the kilogram, this has led me to wonder what to call the new measurement. In my mind whenever I had been thinking about fitness I just thought ‘massb‘ or ‘biological mass’. But this really isn’t the unit of measure, this is a description of what we are measuring. So what is needed is […]

Consequences of Relativity in Evolutionary Biology posted

My article “Consequences of Relativity in Evolutionary Biology” has been posted to GroundReport.  I’m pleased with myself because I believe that I have actually been somewhat comprehensible and written something worthwhile.  It’s also a little sad- I’ve said what I wanted to and I’ll need to start something new.  One of these days I’ll write something longer than a page and a half.

#1 in Google Search for “Relativity Biology”

Holy Frijoles! It’s only been a week or two and I am number 1 in a Google search for ‘relativity biology’. I didn’t think that there wasn’t much written about relativity in biology, but being #1 in Google without searching for my own name is uplifting. I am also #5 for searches of ‘biology relativity’ but the previous 4 are all link pages to the exact same article (I must admit it does look interesting, […]

The Birth of Comedy out of the Suicide of Tragedy

The Birth of Comedy out of the Suicide of Tragedy Or: Letterman and Leno Nietzsche felt that the rise of the comedic play signaled the end of the traditional Greek tragedy, and with it, great art. However, this new comedy still retained much of the old theory behind his conception of the tragedy. The two primitive artistic impulses represented by the Gods Apollo and Dionysus are still critical, but in comedy the old duality is […]