I’ve made a major update to my site, The Practical Ontologist. Check it out and let me know what you think. Major site updates: Topical Subsections: Metaphysics, Professional, Science, Traditions, Value, & Fun. Incoming posts are classified via Naive Bayes Machine Learning. The categories, save Fun and Professional, are roughly modeled on [PhilPapers’ classifications](https://philpapers.org/browse/all). Fun is a stream of philosophical memes, mainly from Tumblr. Professional contains news about the profession and other meta-philosophical content. RSS […]
Tag: internet
Calendar Fall 2016 Update
A few weeks into the semester and the calendar is packed with events (but no one seems to have told the admin of Rutgers Philosophy Dept. webpage). Traffic to the calendar has continued its slow and steadily rise, with a corresponding rise in repeat visitors, that is, people who come back to check for updates. So, hello to all you new and return users. Feedback is welcome, as are event submissions. I finally got around […]
$1000 Philosophy Blogging Prize
3 Quarks Daily is putting up a grand for the best philosophy blog post of the last year; $300 and $200 for 2nd and 3rd places respectively. If any of you out there have written something good, or there is something you read that you really like, nominate it! [philosophy of science needs a better representation people]
Climate Change
This is a post for Blog Action Day 09! If the climate changes rapidly enough, the human race is finished. If the climate does not change quite that rapidly, we’ve got other problems. For the sake of argument, let us assume that we are not beings in some religious pantheon, but are merely biological organisms of this Earth. If the climate changes, i.e. if nature as we know it no longer exists, then how are […]
the lowest desires of modern people
… Another alternative would have been to give you what’s called a popular scientific lecture, that is a lecture intended to make you believe that you understand a thing which actually you don’t understand, and to gratify what I believe to be one of the lowest desires of modern people, namely the superficial curiosity about the latest discoveries of science. This quote is from the beginning of Wittgenstein’s “A Lecture on Ethics” or whatever the […]
i’m wearing a hat
Animal of the Month: The French (no insult intended). Anyone who would even consider having this as their national tourism logo is deserving of praise: I don’t normally post anything that I’ve seen on Digg or Reddit, but this turns jaw dropping at around 1:28 [3:45]: moogaloop.swf Industrial design: Orbita Mouse Is One Big Scroll Wheel | Technomix | Fast Company “Over its forty year life the mouse has seen some interesting re-inventions, and the […]
the internet in a destroyed economy
Animal of the Month: Fire Ant! [2:53] A flood hits a fire ant colony in the Amazon jungle. An amazing chance to see footage on how the species has adapted to water to protect their queen. Hints of Comeback for Nation’s First Superhighway – NYTimes.com After decades of decline, commercial shipping has returned to the Erie Canal as high fuel prices have made barges an attractive alternative to trucks. PingMag MAKE – Learning From a […]
stupid month of september
animal of the month: Ninja Kitteh! [1:13] This seriously reduced me to giggles for a full minute or two… though the elephant made a strong bid again this month. art & design Vincent van Gogh’s “Bedroom in Arles” Real Life and Digital Recreations Staring Cats Light Sculpture is Fixating 1 Hour Design Challenge: Sick-Ass Car Rendering Winners! Videos of the coolest cars designers could draw in an hour. Unbelievable skills and cars. (I think this […]
links, cause even though
i’m at the end of the internet, you may not be. Animal of the Month: NYC Pimp What a Pimp Reads – New York Times Blog “What sort of person subjects children as young as 12 to beatings and a life of prostitution? An evidence list submitted in the case of Corey Davis, a Queens man who billed himself as “Magnificent,” might provide some insight. Mr. Davis, 36, is facing a minimum of 23 years […]
Links, lanks, lunks
Animal of the Month: Black Grouse Get the Flash Player to see this player. Wildlife sound recordist Chris Watson chooses his top 10 bird songs via plump plum – some other of plump’s goodness: Nabokov on Lolita (part 2) [6m], Frank Zappa on Crossfire [21m] Wu Tang Clan Ain’t Nothin to Fuck With[3m]… at Chess [4m]: Apparently RZA is also a chess champion besides being one of the best rappers. Google News: ahh if only […]