Due to technical reasons — a PHP security issue — the site needed to be updated: the old theme, what governs the look and some functionality, did not work with the latest PHP version. As far as I can tell, this new theme works well and nothing major is broken. However, there may yet be some changes made or errors found. Please let me know of any concerns/ issues.
Tag: news
Practical Ontologist 2.0
I’ve made a major update to my site, The Practical Ontologist. Check it out and let me know what you think. Major site updates: Topical Subsections: Metaphysics, Professional, Science, Traditions, Value, & Fun. Incoming posts are classified via Naive Bayes Machine Learning. The categories, save Fun and Professional, are roughly modeled on [PhilPapers’ classifications](https://philpapers.org/browse/all). Fun is a stream of philosophical memes, mainly from Tumblr. Professional contains news about the profession and other meta-philosophical content. RSS […]
Xmas post
Happy Holidays! As is my Xmas tradition, I watched “Die Hard”. Surprisingly one of the characters reminded me of the current state of internet philosophy:
On the Dangers of Running the PGR
Something that caught my eye in the recent PGR debate was a compliment of the anti-PGR faction’s organizational skills that was stated right along side an insult to their actions. Specifically: “I really do not understand what is going on. You [did x]… The response has been a well-organized attempt to force you to [do y]. But [doing x] had exactly nothing to do with [doing y].” This well-organization stands in contrast to: “I would […]
Site Update 2014
After running this site for 7 years, I have done a comprehensive update of the systems that run it, namely migrating it to a brand new database. This has increased the site speed, noticeable in page loading times especially on the calendar. The calendar is going strong, with many talks and events for the Fall of 2014. Please check it out if you are in the New York City metropolitan area.
NYC Area Philosophy Calendar Update
I’ve updated my NYC Area Philosophy Calendar, a listing of the philosophy lectures, conferences and events in the NYC metro area. As per usual, if one were to attend the huge amount of lectures and events, they would have a very good academic philosophy education for the price of a Metrocard and some late fees at the public library. Please leave me any comments and suggestions, especially if you know of events and venues that […]
Spell Sorites. No really.
Since none of the other philosophy blogs I follow have mentioned it, one of the final round contestants of the National Spelling Bee was eliminated last night by misspelling “sorites.” I believe the contestant put a ‘p’ in front of the word. It makes me wonder if these kids know how to do anything other than spell words.
Dear readers, I’ve decided to try to get myself paid for my efforts. If you know of people or programs (graduate or otherwise) that would want someone like me, please let me know. What I want to do is write up my theories about the causal structure in evolution; it will get done regardless, but it will get done faster and better if I have help. So I am looking for a place that does […]
RIP Satoshi Kon
NY Times Obit Last Words WTF. satoshi kon falls to cancer. dammit. . Go watch Paranoia Agent. i used to have the picture of maromi as my desktop background. Watch Paranoia Agent 01 in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
$1000 Philosophy Blogging Prize
3 Quarks Daily is putting up a grand for the best philosophy blog post of the last year; $300 and $200 for 2nd and 3rd places respectively. If any of you out there have written something good, or there is something you read that you really like, nominate it! [philosophy of science needs a better representation people]