Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Inconsistency and the Sorites Paradox (Otávio Bueno) 4:15 pm
Inconsistency and the Sorites Paradox (Otávio Bueno) @ CUNY Grad Center, 6494
Oct 1 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
The Sorites paradox offers an unsettling situation in which, in light of its premises and the apparent validity of the argument, one may be inclined to take the argument to be sound. But this entails that vague concepts, ubiquitous and indispensable to express salient features of the world, are ultimately inconsistent, or at least the application conditions of these concepts seem to lead one directly into contradiction. In what follows, I argue that this inconsistent[...]
Tableaux for Lewis’s V-family, Yale Weiss 4:15 pm
Tableaux for Lewis’s V-family, Yale Weiss @ CUNY Grad Center, 6494
Oct 15 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
n his seminal work Counterfactuals, David Lewis presents a family of systems of conditional logic—his V-family—which includes both his preferred logic of counterfactuals (VC/C1) and Stalnaker’s conditional logic (VCS/C2). Graham Priest posed the problem of finding systems of (labeled) tableaux for logics from Lewis’s V-family in his Introduction to Non-Classical Logic (2008, p. 93). In this talk, I present a solution to this problem: sound and complete (labeled) tableaux for Lewis’s V-logics. Errors and shortcomings in recent work on this problem[...]
Alfredo Ferrarin “Hegel and the Actuality of Thinking” 2:00 pm
Alfredo Ferrarin “Hegel and the Actuality of Thinking” @ Wolff Conference Room, D1103
Oct 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Alfredo Ferrarin, professor of Philosophy at the University of Pisa on “Hegel and the Actuality of Thinking”.
Ontological Reductions of First Order Models, Alfredo Freire 4:15 pm
Ontological Reductions of First Order Models, Alfredo Freire @ CUNY Grad Center, 6494
Oct 22 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Since the discovery of the Loweinheim-Skolem theorem, it has been largely held that there is no purely formal way of fixing a model for any first order theory. Because of this, many have focused on having a relative account of models, establishing the expressive power of one model in its ability to internalize models for other theories. One can, for instance, define a plurality of models for PA from a given model for ZF, and[...]
A Dash of Hegel: A discussion with Slavoj Žižek, Rebecca Comay, and Frank Ruda 6:00 pm
A Dash of Hegel: A discussion with Slavoj Žižek, Rebecca Comay, and Frank Ruda @ Deutsches Haus
Oct 23 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Department of German at NYU and Deutsches Haus at NYU present a discussion between Slavoj Žižek, Rebecca Comay, and Frank Ruda which will revolve around Comay and Ruda’s book The Dash—The Other Side of Absolute Knowing. Event information In The Dash—The Other Side of Absolute Knowing (MIT Press, 2018), the authors present a reading of Hegel’s most reviled concept, absolute knowing. Their book sets out from a counterintuitive premise: the “mystical shell” of Hegel’s system[...]
Alison Fernandes: Three Accounts of Laws and Time 4:00 pm
Alison Fernandes: Three Accounts of Laws and Time @ NYU Professional Studies, room 125
Oct 24 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Loewer distinguishes two approaches to laws and time: Humean accounts, which deny primitive modality and explain temporal asymmetries in scientific terms, and non-Humean accounts that take temporal asymmetry and modality to be metaphysically fundamental. I’ll argue that Loewer neglects an important third approach: deny metaphysical claims about fundamentality, and explain temporal asymmetries as well as the function of modal entities in scientific terms. This pragmatist approach provides a clear ontology to science, and, and unlike[...]
Workshop on the Future of the Foundations of Physics
Workshop on the Future of the Foundations of Physics @ Pupin Hall Theory Center, 8th flr, Columbia U
Oct 26 – Oct 27 all-day
What we are hoping for is a free, open, wide-ranging and informal conversation about a number of topics that people have lately been thinking more and more about – and that seem likely to play increasingly central roles, over the next several years, in the foundations of physics. These include questions of the emergence/fundamentality of space and time, the philosophical analysis and scientific role of chance, the relationship between physics and agency, and the possibility,[...]
Ground and Paradox, Boris Kment (Princeton) 4:15 pm
Ground and Paradox, Boris Kment (Princeton) @ CUNY Grad Center, 6494
Oct 29 @ 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
This paper discusses a cluster of interrelated paradoxes, including the semantic and property-theoretic paradoxes (such as the paradox of heterologicality), as well as the set-theoretic paradoxes and the Russell-Myhill paradox. I argue that an independently motivated theory of metaphysical grounding provides philosophically satisfying treatments of these paradoxes. It yields as corollaries a version of the iterative conception of set and an analogous solution to Russell-Myhill. Moreover, it generates a paracomplete solution to the property-theoretic paradoxes.[...]