I’ve updated the calendar fro the Spring 2023 semester and am pleased that the number of events is approaching pre-pandemic levels. Note, though, that more events require registration, proof of vaccination, and/or a clear covid test.
Category: news
Philosophy Roulette Live on Twitch.tv
I’m streaming reviews of philosophy papers live on Twitch (my channel here / schedule here). Basically I download a random paper from PhilPapers, and read & comment on it live. Come join me if you want to chat philosophy, read along, criticize my interpretations, or just stave off cabin — non-covid19 — fever. image credit: oglaf
Fall 2019 Update
Due to technical reasons — a PHP security issue — the site needed to be updated: the old theme, what governs the look and some functionality, did not work with the latest PHP version. As far as I can tell, this new theme works well and nothing major is broken. However, there may yet be some changes made or errors found. Please let me know of any concerns/ issues.
Happy Possible Worlds Day!
On this day in 1277 Étienne (Stephen) Tempier, bishop of Paris, declared that God could have made worlds other than this one, perhaps the first time anyone publicly argued for possible worlds.
Practical Ontologist 2.0
I’ve made a major update to my site, The Practical Ontologist. Check it out and let me know what you think. Major site updates: Topical Subsections: Metaphysics, Professional, Science, Traditions, Value, & Fun. Incoming posts are classified via Naive Bayes Machine Learning. The categories, save Fun and Professional, are roughly modeled on [PhilPapers’ classifications](https://philpapers.org/browse/all). Fun is a stream of philosophical memes, mainly from Tumblr. Professional contains news about the profession and other meta-philosophical content. RSS […]
The Practical Ontologist
I’ve launched a new website called The Practical Ontologist. From its about page: Every few hours a computer at a datacenter scans the web for new philosophical content. It then analyzes, processes, and formats the information. This creates an always updating website for easy perusal. I built this site to highlight all the public philosophy that is posted every single day online and as a way for people to discover philosophically oriented websites. While there […]
Calendar Fall 2016 Update
A few weeks into the semester and the calendar is packed with events (but no one seems to have told the admin of Rutgers Philosophy Dept. webpage). Traffic to the calendar has continued its slow and steadily rise, with a corresponding rise in repeat visitors, that is, people who come back to check for updates. So, hello to all you new and return users. Feedback is welcome, as are event submissions. I finally got around […]
winter/ spring 2016 calendar update
As per usual, lots of great philosophy talks. I’m still waiting on CUNY to update [updated Feb 1], which is unusual, since they are often first to publish their speaker list. Many departments and groups have been modernizing their websites, too, which is a step forward. Most are not quite there yet, and some departments, apparently, do not even control what goes on their webpage. In this, the 9th(!) year of the NYC Philosophy Calendar, […]
Update Fall 2015
It has been an interesting 2015 for me philosophically. I’ve been writing feverishly because I had something published — to my great surprise — in Analysis. Figure I need something to follow up with. The paper is a modified version of my post Punny Logic, from back in January, and was the top download of both June and July. If you have institutional access, you can click here, else click here for the preprint. Hopefully […]
Xmas post
Happy Holidays! As is my Xmas tradition, I watched “Die Hard”. Surprisingly one of the characters reminded me of the current state of internet philosophy: