Paradox of Logical Privilege

Let us assume that logic cleaves the world at its corners. Then everything can be divided into the logically privileged, that which makes up the corners, and the not logically privileged, that which makes up everything else.

Where then does the concept of logical privilege fall?

If logical privilege is logically privileged, then it describes it as something that is at the corners, and not the content. But then it must describe not have described itself, as something within the world. Hence it must not have been logically privileged in the first place.

If, on the other hand, logical privilege is not logically privileged, then it can not describe how the world is broken up into logical privilege and non logical privilege. This violates the initial assumption that the world can be so broken up. Hence logical privilege must be logically privileged.

I actually am rather certain there is something very wrong with the above, but I am testing out a new feature on the blog and needed a test post. So I dug this out of the drafts from May 2, 2014 as it is more interesting than saying ‘test post, please ignore’.